Al Snow Addresses OVW's Relationship With WWE

For nearly a decade, Ohio Valley Wrestling stood as WWE's premier developmental territory, boasting an impressive lineup of notable alumni, such as John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, and Batista. While WWE has since revamped their developmental system, OVW continues to operate under the ownership of Matt Jones, Louisville mayor Craig Greenberg, and former WWE star Al Snow.


During a recent episode of "Strictly Business with Eric Bischoff," Snow addressed the state of OVW's relationship with WWE. While their business dealings have been significantly scaled back since WWE ceased their affiliation with OVW in 2008, Snow asserted that WWE still provides them with old OVW footage if requested.

"There are still a few people that I know in WWE that are still there, and I've retained those relationships. But, no, there's no direct interaction or contact with WWE," Snow said. "They'll do a favor or whatever. If I want to do something and want to use some video footage that they own, they have no problem with that."

Regarding some of the footage used in OVW's recent "Wrestlers" docuseries on Netflix, Snow noted his belief that director Greg Whiteley contacted WWE to obtain some video material. Though WWE can be protective of their trademarks and copyrighted content, Snow thinks the company loosened their restrictions in this case due to OVW's extensive professional relationship with them. As of now, it's uncertain if Netflix will renew "Wrestlers" for a second season, but Snow recently confirmed there were conversations in place to discuss the possibility.


If you use quotes in this article, please credit "Strictly Business with Eric Bischoff," and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

