Why Bully Ray Says He Loves Truth In Pro Wrestling, As Seen With WWE's The Miz

In an industry known for larger-than-life characters and pre-determined match outcomes, one might not expect to find much truth within professional wrestling. However, when a performer lets aspects of their real self appear onscreen, the results will often feel fresh and engaging. This past Monday on "WWE Raw," The Miz came face-to-face with GUNTHER in the ring, and the two traded barbs ahead of their IC title match at WWE Survivor Series this Saturday. In the promo, GUNTHER said he had a lack of respect for The Miz, bringing up The Miz's history with the WWE locker room. The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion responded with a fired-up promo referencing the disrespect he received earlier in his career. 


Speaking on a recent episode of "Busted Open Radio," WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray praised The Miz for the promo. "Miz has done something nearly impossible in the world of pro wrestling, but mainly in the world of WWE," Bully said. "I love truth in pro wrestling. ... He started at the bottom. Miz was thrown out of the locker room. ... [He was] made to change in the hallway, in the janitor's closet. [He] wasn't well-received at first, in the back [or] in the ring."

Instead of pretending it never happened, The Miz integrated those real-life events into his wrestling character, and his feud against GUNTHER has been all the better for it. Bully then praised Miz's talent as a well-rounded wrestler.

"Across the board, in all of WWE, is there anybody you can think of with the [same] range of skill as The Miz?" Bully asked, citing his in-ring performances as well as his charisma and ability to carry a show such as "Miz and Mrs," his USA Network reality series. "He checks every single box. Is there anybody else who checks every single box in the WWE?"


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

