AEW Collision Results 12/2- Bryan Danielson Returns To Action, Continental Classic Continues

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of the December 2 episode of "AEW Collison." This week's episode comes from the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, Pennsylvania.

The Blue League is in action tonight with three AEW Continental Classic matches. Bryan Danielson is returning to the ring since sustaining an orbital bone fracture on the October 25 episode of "AEW Dynamite." Danielson's first AEW Continental Classic tournament match is going to be against Eddie Kingston. Kingston has a lot on the line in this series since he's putting up both of his titles — the NJPW Strong Openweight Championship and the ROH World Championship.


The other two tourney matches will see Claudio Castagnoli face Brody King and Daniel Garcia in action against Rush.

The show opens up with King versus Castagnoli. 

AEW Continental Classic Match: Brody King Vs. Claudio Castagnoli

The bell rings, and Castagnoli kicks King. They exchange strikes. King gives some chops to Castagnoli, and then Castagnoli does the same. They keep trying to knock each other over. Both men go down after hitting lariats. Both men roll out of the ring.


They roll back into the ring. More forearm shots and then a thrust kick from King. Castagnoli hits a bodyslam, and the crowd cheers. Castagnoli hits a clothesline and King falls out of the ring. Castagnoli runs around the ring and hits a big European uppercut. He throws him into the barricades. King comes back. He tears away the padding of the barricade and Irish whips him into the unpadded barricade. 

Back from the break, they are both in the ring. King is trying to put a submission hold on Castagnoli, but Castagnoli doesn't allow it. Sentai bomb from King and Castagnoli can barely get up. King runs into Castagnoli. Castagnoli gets a second wind and strikes King repeatedly in the corner of the ring.


Castagnoli tries to do his giant swing to King, but can't. He hits, goes for the pin, getting a two-count. King is up now, he strikes Castagnoli in the face and then chops him. Castagnoli surprises King and gets a two-count. Castagnoli gets the giant swing in! Castagnoli goes for the sharpshooter now. King breaks the hold by getting the ropes.

King hits a German Suplex and a sentai to Castagnoli. King gets a one-count. King catches Castagnoli, hits a piledriver, and only gets a two-count. King gets a big lariat, getting the three-count.

Winner: Brody King is now at 6 points

Abadon Vs. Kiera Hogan, Julia Hart Appears

Video package shows last Wednesday's promo with Jon Moxley, where he talks about how he is always in pain. He opens up about his mental health and tired of being "sick and tired."

The bell rings, and Kiera Hogan and Abadon stare down at each other. Hogan tries to run but Abadon stops her. Hogan hits a dropkick. Abandon strikes Hogan repeatedly in the corner of the ring. Hogan breaks free, hits Abadon, and gets a two-count. Abadon has Hogan in a hold using the ropes. She licks her face. Abadon misses a kick, Hogan goes for a roll-up and gets a two-count. A neckbreaker to Abadon, another two-count. Hogan slaps Abadon. Abadon hits her finisher for the win.


Winner: Abadon

Post-match, the lights go out while Abadon is shrieking. The lights turn back on and it's Julia Hart. The lights go off again and Hart is gone. Abadon shrieks.

Backstage with Samoa Joe. He is interrupted by Roderick Strong and the Kingdom. Strong tells him that he forgives him for trying to break his neck twice. He tells Joe, that MJF is the devil. He tells Joe that Wednesday is just a setup. Joe doesn't say anything, he just laughs and leaves.

AEW Continental Classic Match: Daniel Garcia Vs. Andrade El Idolo

Back from a commercial break, a video package airs about Sting. Next up is the second AEW Continental Classic Match, Garcia versus Idolo.

The bell rings, and they lock up. Idolo has Garcia in a headlock. He hits him with a shoulder tackle. Idolo gets in the ropes and poses. Garcia hits him. Idolo goes up top and hits a big crossbody.


Idolo hits a forearm and then a pair of dragon-screw whips. They are outside of the ring, and Idolo rolls back into the ring. Garcia follows, he hits his knees in Idolo's chest. Idolo throws him off the top rope. Garcia is outside of the ring now. This is a very fast-paced match.

Back from the break, Garcia is now in control of the match. He hits rapid punches to Idolo in the corner. He is working on the right knee of Idolo, who was stuck in the ropes. Garcia picks him up, hits a brainbuster, and gets a two-count.

Chops to Idolo, then Idolo flies back into the ropes, Garcia misses him, but Idolo hits a big forearm to Garcia. Garcia misses a lariat and vertical suplexes to Garcia. Garcia turns it around in a sleeper hold. The hold is broken. A superplex from the top rope, the three amigos, Garcia gets out at the two-count. Garcia has Idolo in the sharpshooter. Idolo breaks out and hits a hammerlock DDT for the win.


Winner: Andrade El Idolo now has 3 points

Post-match, Idolo shakes Garcia's hand. A video package airs on what happens with the Gold League.

The Kingdom Vs. Iron Savages

Back from the break, cameras are backstage with Willie Mack, who is challenging Wardlow.

The Kingdom vs. Iron Savages

Back to the ring, the Kingdom and Strong are on the ramp. Strong has a mic in his hand, where he dedicates Kingdom's match against the Iron Savages, who are already in the ring, to Adam Cole.


The bell rings, and Bronson hits a suicide dive on Matt Taven. A step-up ensurigi A powerbomb to Taven, who gets a two-count. Boulder is dancing, he goes for the top rope and misses a moonsault. Taven tags in and hits Boulder with a Death Valley driver. Taven and Bennett hit the Proton Pack for the win.

Winners: The Kingdom

Backstage with Ethan Page, who challenges Kenny Omega to a match next week.

A video package airs about Mercedes Martinez and Willow Nightingale's feud. Next up is Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels vs. the House of Black. 

The House of Black Vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

The match starts with Matthews and Sydal. They do the test of strength. Matthews throws Sydal in the corner. Matthews reverses Sydal's body to the body. Elbow to Sydal's head. More reversals back and forth. Sydal kicks Matthews in the head, he then tags in Daniels. They team together to attack Matthews. Daniels gets a one-count.  Chops to Matthews. Matthews kicks Daniels away. Black is tagged in. The crowd cheers. Daniels kicks Black. Matthews tags in and Daniels misses the double stomp.


Back from the Break, Sydal tags in. A missile dropkick and rapid-fire kicks. Sydal gets a leg drop for a two-count. Black hits an elbow to the back of Sydal's head. Daniels makes a blind tag in. Sydal and Matthews hit knees from the top rope. More rapid-fire kicks. A big knee to Sydal's face. Sydal gets tripped by Black. Daniels hits a suicide dive onto Black. The two were going to double-team until Matthews knocked Sydal off the top rope. A curb stomp and a big knee to Sydal. Black hits the Black mass to Daniels for the win.

Winner: The House of Black

Post-match, the lights are out and it's FTR. Black has the mic and he says that they are here because FTR want to join the House of Black. Matthews attacks them while Black was going to give a handshake. It was a ruse to attack them. They make Dax Harwood watch, Cash Wheeler get kicked. Black has the mic again and says no one is going to help them. A spin kick to Harwood. They are both down.


Backstage with Renee and Timeless Toni Storm. Storm isn't happy because RJ City isn't interviewing her. She calls out Skye Blue. She steals Renee's shoes.

El Hijo Del Vikingo Vs. Kip Sabian

Back from the break, Blue makes fun of Storm and tells her she's going to be the new AEW Women's Champion. A video package airs about Adam Copeland and Christian Cage's feud.

El Hijo Del Vikingo is out, he's going to be in action against Kip Sabian.


The bell rings. Vikingo kicks Sabian. Vikingo hits the ropes purposely. Vikingo was going to fly, but Sabian kicked him in the face. Commercial break. Back from the break, a spin tornado kick to Sabian. A torture rack to a knee lift. He goes to the second rope, hits a 360, and gets a two-count. Sabian hits a hurricanrana and gets a two-count. Vikingo goes to the top rope, and hits a tornado, the crowd chants "holy s**t. He wins the match with a 630. The match had so many different insane spots. 

Winner: El Hijo Del Vikingo

Backstage with Lexy Nair with Keith Lee. Shane Taylor interrupts him. He wants a match at Final Battle. Lee accepts the match. It cuts to commercials, though beforehand, the commentators announce that the main event is next.


AEW Continental Classic Match: Eddie Kingston Vs. Bryan Danielson

Back from the break, Nair is interviewing CJ Perry. Miro comes out, he wants to go into Idolo's locker room. She tells him to stop and not lay a hand on her client. He says that promises he won't lay a hand on her client.


It's the main event time. The bell rings, and they both go for the test of strength but are both nervous at the same time. Danielson tries to strike Kingston. Rapid fire shots in the midsection to Danielson. Danielson then chops Kingston, while Kingston does the same thing. Danielson falls to the ground from the chop. The crowd is chanting Kingston's name.

Danielson strikes and kicks Kingston. Kingston kicks Danielson in the arm. He goes for a submission move after pretending he was hurt. Chops to Kingston who is on one knee. Kicks now to Kingston, goes for a cover, and gets a one-count. Danielson has Kingston in a hold, he reverses it. Danielson suplexes him. Kingston is out in the ring. Danielson was going to kick him but missed, and Kingston suplexed him.


Bryan Danielson Gets His First AEW Continental Win

Back from the break, both men are in the ring again. Danielson hits a headbutt to Kingston. Chops to Danielson, but Danielson trades it for kicks. Danielson is trying to get the LeBell lock. He gets it in. Kingston gets out of it and hammers the side of Danielson's head. Danielson gives it right back to him.


A back suplex, then a spinning back fist, for a two count. Kingston then hits a vertical suplex. Knees to the orbital bone. Danielson hits a round kick to the top of Kingston's head. Some loud chops to Danielson. He is fired up. Danielson picks Kingston up and drops him on his head

Knees to Kingston. Kingston kicks out a two-count. Danielson stops Kingston's head in the ring. He falls to the mat after the kicks. Both men are down and look tired. Kingston is yelling. Danielson is up first, he hits the Pyscho Knee for the win!

Winner: Bryan Danielson, gets his first three points! 

Post-match, Danielson celebrates. He takes a sign from the crowd that says, "Eddie is a Bum" and puts it on Kingston.


