Kevin Nash Says This Legend Deserves Credit For Recent CM Punk WWE Raw Promo Quote

CM Punk's blockbuster WWE return during this year's Survivor Series was followed by a mixed-received promo on "WWE Raw," where he interestingly said he's returned to make money, not friends. According to Kevin Nash during his "Kliq This" podcast, Punk actually stole the line from a WWE Hall of Famer who originally coined it.


Shortly after the promo, Nash criticized the segment and interestingly pointed out that Punk's closing line sounded familiar. Since then, it seems like the veteran has recalled where he first heard it, and how even "The Kliq" made use of it in their promos. "All of a sudden people take saying that when — we all did it, like 'I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make money.' The Kliq said that, but you have to at some point give the author credit. That was Chief Jay Strongbow."

Nash continued, recalling another line that wrestlers often use which he attributed to late-veteran manager, Captain Lou Albano. "And Lou Albano was: 'There's only two things in this business that's real: money, and the miles.' That's Captain Lou." He also stressed that he simply wants to bring attention to these facts as he's seen "a few people" cut promos without giving credit to veterans. This seems like a thinly veiled shot at Punk, as he was the last major name to use Strongbow's quote. It remains to be seen if Punk will respond during his next WWE promo, but according to Nash, despite all his criticisms, he doesn't hate "The Second City Saint."


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Kliq This" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

