WWE Hall Of Famer Talks CM Punk's WWE Return, Says They've Always Been Connected

When CM Punk returned to WWE in November, he joined a locker room filled with both newly met and familiar faces. WWE Hall of Famer Rey Mysterio ranks among those in the latter category, and opened up about their relationship during "Keepin' It 100." Mysterio and Punk first met in March 2002, working together on the indies alongside Eddie Guerrero. Mysterio said he and Punk hit it off right away, and explained that they have always stayed connected.


"I was texting Punk back and forth every now and then," said Mysterio, "We would say 'hi' and 'what's up?' [We've] always been, not super close, but connected. Watching Dominik's career take off we would constantly shoot each other texts. Punk was a big rival during the whole Mysterio family on board with my daughter's birthday — six or seven years old at the time — it's cool to revisit all that and now see the growth of the Mysterio family and how we're all still connected in some way."

Mysterio and Punk met in the ring several times throughout their shared WWE tenure from 2008 until 2012. Their feud in 2010 saw Mysterio defeat Punk at WrestleMania 26, before Punk won the rematch a month later at Extreme Rules 2010. The feud was capped with a wager match at Over The Limit, where-in Mysterio would join Punk's "Straight Edge Society" faction in defeat, meanwhile Punk wagered his hair. Mysterio won that match, leading a self-conscious Punk to wrestle under a mask for a time. They would wrestle against one another on TV in the years that followed. Punk defeated Dominik Mysterio when he returned to the WWE ring at Madison Square Garden on Boxing Day, his first WWE match in almost a decade.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Keepin' It 100" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

