WWE Alum Gerald Brisco Discusses The Type Of People Vince McMahon Hates Working With

WWE Hall of Famer Gerald Brisco worked closely behind the scenes with Vince McMahon for many years. During the Attitude Era, Brisco appeared on-screen with McMahon as one of his stooges. While appearing on the "Under the Ring" podcast, Brisco spoke about the type of individuals the former WWE Chairman and current Executive Chairman of TKO Group Holdings disliked working with.


"Vince McMahon hated yes guys," Brisco said. "I mean, he had them. Yeah, he had them, but did he depend on them? No. He depended on more of the guys, like Pat Patterson ... and Bruce Prichard. Bruce Prichard is not a yes-man."

During his famous "Pipe Bomb" promo in June 2011, former WWE and AEW Champion CM Punk claimed that McMahon wasn't a billionaire because he surrounded himself with "glad-handed, nonsensical, douchebag, yes men," who tell him everything he wants to hear. Punk even called out former WWE employee John Laurnaitis for being a yes-man for McMahon. Laurinaitis worked in talent relations for WWE for several years; he was let go by WWE in August 2022 amid sexual misconduct claims. A few years ago, Brisco claimed that McMahon surrounded himself with the "top people of every form of entertainment." He also said that the people who worked for McMahon the longest were those who often disagreed with him.


McMahon's whims used to be an ironclad test of a person's survivability in WWE, but with the merger between WWE and UFC into TKO Group Holdings, it appears that McMahon is being sidelined in favor of the creative and business acumen of Paul Levesque and Nick Khan respectively.

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Under The Ring" with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

