Lince Dorado Recalls 205 Live Booking Frustrations During His Time In WWE

Lince Dorado was involved with "WWE 205 Live" from its inception, coming off his participation in the Cruiserweight Classic tournament. However, even though the show lasted from 2016 to 2022, the former Lucha House Party star doesn't believe the company had plans for any of the cruiserweight wrestlers.


"They had a plan to have a show and that was it, everything kind of seemed to be week to week when it came to ideas and stuff," he told "Developmentally Speaking." Dorado was heavily featured in the show, and even progressed to being part of the main roster as well alongside Gran Metalik and Kalisto, but he believes a lot of that was down to himself being progressive with his booking. Dorado would constantly pitch ideas, suggest things, and make compromises in order to help himself, utilizing WWE's social media team for videos even when he wasn't part of an episode.

"At the end of the day, that's what you are, you're a content creator, businessman, and then a professional wrestler at the WWE," he said. "I just tried to be the best that I could do. But yeah, there was no real plans until I had suggested all of us together, but then it turned into their idea rather than our idea. But it was an idea, it was better than nothing." Dorado previously revealed that his original pitch for Lucha House Party was for the group to be darker than they ended up being, but WWE went with the lighter theme instead. Dorado was ultimately released by WWE in 2022, but has since gone on to make appearances for MLW, NJPW Strong, and TNA Wrestling (formerly Impact Wrestling). 


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Developmentally Speaking" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

