WWE Executive Bruce Prichard Explains What Makes A Wrestler 'The Greatest Worker'

Bruce Prichard, who has been involved with the pro wrestling industry for nearly five decades, has discussed what it takes to be a "great worker" in pro wrestling.

The WWE executive, who stepped into the ring on a few occasions as Brother Love, discussed in a recent episode of "Something To Wrestle" how legendary promoter Stu Hart drew many former NFL players who couldn't cut it in football, leading to veterans like the Junkyard Dog getting their start in the pro wrestling scene in Calgary. Prichard noted how JYD might not have been the best wrestler, but he made up for all his shortcomings with his charisma.


"Guys that wanted to be in the NFL, couldn't make it, well your next bet is Canadian Football League. So, if you're on that side of the world, Stu Hart and Calgary Wrestling was on TV in the off-season, so [they'd say] 'I'm going to go over here and learn to wrestle,'" said Prichard. "He [Junkyard Dog] had charisma, he was the s**ts, but he had charisma. And Stu would get him booked. Stu got him up. Then he comes down and Watts makes him the Junkyard Dog. Big nasty heel. But holy s**t did he have charisma!"

Prichard explained that Junkyard Dog knew how to draw, and that to him was an example of a great worker. "To me, the greatest worker in the world is the guy who knows how to draw. I don't give a s**t if it's an 18-star match in the Tokyo Dome, it doesn't matter, draw money. Draw money and you're a great worker."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Something To Wrestle," and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

