Hacksaw Jim Duggan Recalls Classic WWE Angle Involving The Late Yokozuna

Wrestling veteran "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan has remembered an unusual match he was in with Yokozuna in WWE, and how the late star left him with a few cracked ribs following the match.

WWE Hall of Famer Yokozuna was one of the biggest heels at the height of his fame, but notably a beloved member of the locker room backstage. During a recent episode of "The Hacksaw Hour," Duggan recalled facing Yokozuna in a "Knockdown Challenge." While Duggan gave the match his best shot, Yokozuna still bested him, but unfortunately, his "Banzai Drop" finisher gave Duggan a few cracked ribs. Despite this, the veteran claimed he wasn't out for too long. 


"Just a couple of weeks, not long, because back then, if you didn't work you didn't get paid," stated Duggan. "So, you could wrestle, work tags, or whatever, just work the apron, but cracked ribs you can't do much anyway. Back then, they wrap you in an ace band and go 'Ah, that'll help.'"

Duggan explained that both men were aware of how big the angle would be considering that it was a televised match, and that he'd rather have had Yokozuna land on his chest than his head. 

"He knows too, well this is obviously a big angle, it's on television we got a chance to shine. If you miss, miss this way instead of that way. You wanna be live out there, he was live and I hope my stuff was too. That was a big moment, and we realized that."


Mark "The Undertaker" Calaway recently recalled the toughest friendship deaths he endured during his wrestling career, and notably named Yokozuna and Brian Adams as the two passings that affected him the most, highlighting how loved Yokozuna was backstage in WWE.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Hacksaw Hour," and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

