Former WWE Star Hornswoggle Looks Back On KofiMania At WrestleMania 35

Kofi Kingston's WrestleMania 35 WWE Championship victory was likely the biggest moment in his career so far and is something that many still talk about today. 

In a recent interview with "Good Karma Wrestling," Dylan Postal, who was Hornswoggle in WWE, commented on the event — since dubbed as "KofiMania" – and just how much it impacted him. Postal recalled the moment, which he claimed he was watching alongside his son, Landon. 


"That year of KofiMania, I sat and watched that WrestleMania and that match with Landon next to me ... We watched that 'KofiMania' and I had legit tears coming down and I said watching the end of the match, 'They're going to do it, they're going to do it.'"

He continued, noting how he still gets emotional about it now. Postal added that the moment proved how far Kingston had come as a character. 

"He was a Jamaican guy with a crappy accent who — if you watch his first match — it was dog dirt because just him and the guy he worked just didn't clash well," recalled the former Hornswoggle. "Just seeing the growth of that, of him, it's just incredible, it really, really is. I love seeing friends of mine do well because they deserve it."


Unfortunately, Kingston controversially lost the WWE Championship to Brock Lesnar only six months later. Interestingly, Road Dogg once claimed that when WWE Creative was planning out WrestleMania 35, he instead pitched Big E to walk away with the belt, because he felt the star was more believable.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Good Karma Wrestling" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

