Kevin Sullivan Praises Tony Khan's 'Magnificent Job' With Sting's AEW Retirement Match

Sting's final run in AEW has largely been praised by the industry, especially his final match which many veterans have seemingly been happy about. In a recent episode of "Tuesday with the Taskmaster," Kevin Sullivan also added his voice to the discussion and gave his opinion of "The Icon's" Swan Song. According to Sullivan, Tony Khan did a commendable job despite all the criticism he's been facing. 


"I think Tony Khan did a magnificent job, especially he's done it swimming upstream because he's taken a lot of flak the company has taken lately – and you know how that is," Sullivan said. "Once they turn on you, they turn on you like The Rock." Additionally, Sullivan had kind words for his longtime friend.

"Sting did a magnificent job, a class guy, I've known him for a long time," Sullivan said. "The Taskmaster" also looked back fondly on Sting's match against Ric Flair at the Greensborough Colloseum in 1988. 

"I was there that night that Ric anointed him with the match," Sullivan remembered fondly. "That was – you know, you saw a seed being planted the week before and then that flower blew up instantaneously and he never looked back."


However, much like some other veterans have noted, Sullivan also questioned whether Darby Allin's glass spot was necessary and later noted that either he or those in the audience could have been seriously hurt. "I don't wanna be one of those people that find something negative, but do you think the glass was necessary?"

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Tuesday with the Taskmaster" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

