Kevin Sullivan Comments On Popularity Of WWE Angle Involving Cody Rhodes & The Rock

The angle between Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and WWE Royal Rumble winner Cody Rhodes is the hottest thing moving into WrestleMania 40 in Philadelphia. It's been confusing at times, with Rhodes giving up his main event match against Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship to The Rock, then doubling back. Now it's official that Rhodes and World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins will take on the Rock and Reigns during night one of WrestleMania before "The American Nightmare" takes on "The Tribal Chief" in what may be a "Bloodline Rules" match on night two. During an episode of "Tuesday with the Taskmaster," Kevin Sullivan said that there are some times WWE needs to give people what they want, but after Rhodes finishes the story, who's next for him?


"Now, they've done this so well, I know we're going to be talking about this finish forever," Sullivan said. "But... who's ready to take the next step to wrestle Cody? How do you go from that whole... year of the Bloodline, and getting people over and then still staying on top? It's like to me, you've gone out, and you've had this magnificent meal... And the next day, you have a Subway sandwich."

Sullivan said that he doesn't believe WWE has prepared anyone else for Rhodes, but playing fantasy booker is a good, fun thing. He stressed that WWE is currently in unknown territory regarding Rhodes and his quest to finish the story, adding that his current feud with Johnson is a big hit among the fans.


"The 'Cody Crybabies,' I think that helped out, but the fans were p***ed," Sullivan said. "And then you get to, the number one recognizable guy in the world comes out, cuts a hell of a promo as a babyface, and they boo him out of the building? ...It has snowballed into a movement."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Tuesday with the Taskmaster" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

