Bully Ray Discusses The 'Ups And Downs' Of WWE Star LA Knight's Wrestling Career

WWE star LA Knight has notably been praised for his character work and his rise to the upper card, with many believing he'll be a top star in the next few years. On "Busted Open Radio," Bully Ray commented on Knight's career and what he still needs to do to impress the WWE brass.


"LA Knight has had a lot of ups and downs in the business," Bully said. Additionally, he touched on Knight claiming he's always looking over his shoulder, and suggested that this was due to his prior experiences in wrestling. "That is very indicative of what the business has done to you." Bully then criticized WWE Creative for putting Knight up against Roman Reigns, and how he believes that didn't help the star's momentum. "I would not have put LA Knight in a main event in Saudi Arabia, not because I did not think he deserved that moment. It's because there wasn't a soul on the planet who thought he was going to win that match. It's a lose-lose for him."

However, Bully claimed Knight's upcoming clash with AJ Styles at WrestleMania could be the opportunity he needs to impress the WWE higher-ups who aren't completely sold on his in-ring abilities. "I think WrestleMania is going to be very important for him to have a breakout performance against AJ Styles. I believe LA Knight needs to open up the eyes of the office when it comes to in-ring performance."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

