WWE Star Carmelo Hayes Opens Up About His Role Models

WWE Superstar Carmelo Hayes recently made his way onto the main roster after a successful run in "WWE NXT," and many believe he'll be the promotion's next big star. In a recent appearance on WWE's "The Bump," Hayes commented on all the stars he draws inspiration from, naming several of the greatest stars to ever step into WWE.


"Definitely the GOAT, my mentor, Shawn Michaels. Guys like Eddie Guerrero, guys like Edge, guys like The Rock, guys like Booker T to an extent," he said. Hayes continued, mentioning two more stars, recalling how he looked up to all the aforementioned veterans while growing up. "You know, there's a lot of so many good guys, I mean, even Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam. Those are all the guys that I looked up to as a kid."

The "SmackDown" star explained that the in-ring confidence of Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero similarly inspired him, and is something he emulates in the ring. "As far as, like, with confidence [goes], you know, definitely like with Shawn and Eddie. I just love that they were so sure of themselves in the ring and I feel the same way, you know. When I get in that ring, it's my world, and this is what I really do."


It remains to be seen if Hayes will have a similar impact on the main roster as he had on "NXT," but according to Dave Meltzer, who recently evaluated the rosters of both "WWE RAW" and "SmackDown," the former "NXT" Champion could likely become a strong midcard heel or an undercard heel.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit WWE's "The Bump" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

