Matt Cardona Discusses Facing His Mentor In AEW

Matt Cardona made a surprise AEW appearance in March when he reunited and clashed with his former mentor, Adam Copeland, for a shot at the TNT Championship. While speaking on the "Battleground Podcast," Cardona looked back at the moment and detailed what it meant to him.


"Yeah, but that night, it was such, you know, a spur of the moment deal and just that entrance? You know, having that entrance kind of made these four years worth it, in the sense that like, I never wanted to prove anybody wrong."

Cardona further expanded on this, explaining how his goal was centered around the beliefs he and his fans share about his career. "The mission wasn't to prove anybody wrong, it's about proving myself right, my fans right, and when I heard the 'Holy s**t' — literally 'Holy s**t' — chants during my entrance, I said, you know what? I think I proved myself right. I think I proved my fans right."

Cardona didn't believe he'd get the chance to wrestle his former mentor following Copeland's retirement in 2011. However, things became even more complicated when Copeland returned to WWE around the time that he was fired. However, things changed once the legend jumped to AEW. "They let anybody in if the opportunity is right and when the Cope-Open was there, I accepted. And it was literally a dream come true."


If you use any quotes from this article, please credit the "Battleground Podcast," and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

