Evil Uno Pokes Fun At Recent Backstage AEW Reports

Sunday night's locker room mayhem involving CM Punk, Ace Steel, and the Elite sparked a tweet storm maybe people in the industry, including The Dark Order's Evil Uno, who took to social media to poke fun and the brawl that occurred following the AEW All Out.

Uno used his Twitter page on Sept. 6 to bang out a series of one-liners that riffed on the anonymous reports of the altercation between the AEW stars. His messages included:

"Anonymous sources confirm that Evil Uno is good." 

"The talk backstage is that Evil Uno has sultry eyes."  

"Word on the street is that the locker room is divided about this single issue: Is Evil Uno really evil or really good?

The masked wrestler also took a facetious high road away from the trash talk that sparked the locker room fight, tweeting, "Several AEW talent have told us that Evil Uno is a great pro wrestler. Wow!" He then had some fun with the setting for Sunday night's altercation, tweeting out "If you have an issue with Evil Uno, you can conveniently find him in his locker room AKA catering" and "Amongst all the turmoil, the locker room stands united on one subject: Jose The Assistant sucks."

Uno also gave himself the ultimate self-congratulatory accolade on social media by noting how his tweets resulted in him trending on Twitter. He returned to Twitter on the morning of Sept. 7 for two more attention-grabbing tweets, first announcing that "Today is going to be a very big day for the Evil Uno News Network" and then tweeting "Unfortunately, there will not be an All Elite Arcade show today as the internet is too unstable. My apologies! @AEWGames.

Uno has been a Twitter fixture since 2009 and has more than 135,000 followers.

