Forbes Calls ESPN - WWE Partnership A "Game Changer," ABC Anchor Critical Of Partnership, More
- As noted, ESPN will have a WWE segment every Tuesday night during the 9pm ET of SportsCenter. In the video above, ABC News – which, like ESPN, is also owned by Disney – looks at the partnership. One of the anchors noted that he doesn't like it, noting that "he's old school SportsCenter" and WWE "is not real."
- Alfred Konuwa of Forbes has a different take on the partnership, calling it a game-changer. Konuwa wrote:
Like any great partnership, ESPN and WWE's relationship has the potential to fill needs that these entities cannot fulfill on their own. With highlights on ESPN's flagship show, WWE becomes more mainstream, something it hasn't been since the Attitude Era of the late-90?s. The underground stench of pro wrestling will slowly begin to dissipate, opening the door for more advertisers and sponsorship deals.
damien demento contributed to this article.