Chris Jericho Cruise Security Cracks Down On Fan Photos During Bullet Club Vs. Alpha Club

Chris Jericho's cruise set sail out of Miami, Florida last Friday and featured a full lineup of events, including the "Sea of Honor" 16-Man Tournament and the Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes, and Marty Scurll) vs. Alpha Club (Young Bucks and Chris Jericho) as the main event.

The 6-man tag match took place last night and Wrestling Inc. learned signs were around the top deck and an announcement was made for fans not to take photos or videos of the match. Security was even shining flashlights and telling individual fans to stop if they held up their phones. For other matches on the cruise, security was said to be more relaxed with the rules.

This match (along with the "Sea of Honor" tournament) was filmed and will be streamed via Fite on November 3 at 8pm ET for $24.99. Obviously, the results and match itself is trying to be kept quiet for Friday's stream.

Some photos still made their way to Twitter though, as you can see below, Jericho dressed up like The Young Bucks, while Cody, Kenny (and presumably Marty) were wearing colorful "Nassau Bahamas" tie-dye shirts.

