Homicide Talks WWE And Impact's Recent Meeting
Impact Wrestling Star Homicide was recently on The Serious Lowdown on TheChairshot.com with host Serious Brad and co-host Jordan Garber this past week. Here are the highlights:
Evolution of the X-Division:
"I think it's more aggressive to be honest with you. We have a very hungry division of wrestlers and the future is bright I'd say."
Formation of LAX:
"I was in Brooklyn, NY and Konnan gave me a call and told me ? 'Hey man I'm doing something new called the LAX for this company called TNA Wrestling.' I'll always remember December 29, 2005 when they flew me all the way to Orlando, FL. Basically I was talking to Konnan and he gave me all the details and was telling me the way it was gonna be. I was this thug guy and Konnan was a legend from WCW. It was about giving latinos the respect they deserve in pro wrestling. So what we did is we knocked and hit on the door, earned our respect, and let the world know it was our time."
The recent WWE and Impact meetings:
"The big time is going to come and I was telling my crew 'We need the magic filling.' Even though I am a professional worker, I am still that fan and I love magic. It's like ... You never know what's gonna happen until it happens. It's something that's gonna come and you're going to enjoy it."

Abyss going into the Impact Hall of Fame:
"I'm so proud of that dude. He deserves it. I met that man in Puerto Rico and it was crazy because there was a riot and it was the first time we met. After [that] we went to TNA and he was one of the hardest workers not only in pro wrestling, but for the company. He is a very loyal person."
New shows are every Wednesday at 10pm ET and you can check out Homicide's full interview by clicking here.