Impact Wrestling Moving Out Of Primetime On Pop TV, Who Will Induct Abyss Into The Impact HOF?
- Impact Wrestling will begin airing at 10pm ET on Pop TV later this month, according to PWInsider. The next episode will air at 8pm ET with a 10pm replay but the following week will see the timeslot change on October 25. This will be a permanent timeslot change, moving the company out of primetime viewing. Pop officials reportedly informed Impact of the change earlier this week.

- Father James Mitchell will be inducting Abyss into the Impact Hall of Fame this Saturday night. The ceremony will air live at 8pm ET on Impact's Twitch channel. The red carpet pre-show will begin at 7:30pm ET. The induction will take place at McHale's Bar & Grill in New York City. Tickets are $25.
BREAKING: Father James Mitchell will induct @TherealAbyss into the IMPACT Hall of Fame as it streams TOMORROW live on Twitch.
? IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) October 12, 2018