The Big Show On Heat With Drake Maverick, Talent Today Looking More Like Backstage Writers

After nearly a year on the shelf following hip surgery, Big Show made his TV return last month and immediately aligned himself with The Bar. However, since Show was out of commission for so long, he lost touch with some of the newer Superstars to emerge in WWE.

One of those was the AOP's manager Drake Maverick. Show developed some heat with Maverick and he couldn't quite figure out why Maverick kept calling him out on social media. Big Show finally found out why Maverick kept going at him as he told Bully Ray on Busted Open Radio.

"I have to tell you a funny story, Bully. So, the manager for AOP, what's his name? Drake Maverick? He keeps popping up on my social media feed talking trash and I'm like, what is this dude's issue? I mean, he needs to take my name out of his mouth, you know what I mean? I've dated women bigger than him," stated Big Show.

"He needs to shut up. I call the office and go, hey, before I rip this guy's head off why is he talking trash? They tell me that he is my opponent [along with AOP] against The Bar at Survivor Series, so I'm like, oh thanks for telling me. That makes sense why he's running his mouth. See you at Survivor Series where I introduce him to a chop."

The wrestling business has certainly changed in the 20+ years Big Show has been a performer. Wrestlers' physiques are one of the biggest changes as today's performers look much more healthier and natural than those in previous eras.

However, this drastic change has caused confusion for the Big Show who came up in the era where you could just look at someone and tell that they were a wrestler. That isn't the case anymore and Show says some wrestlers can easily be confused with backstage writers.

"I didn't know who [Maverick] was for the longest time. I thought he was one of the writers backstage. Then someone said that he is on the show. Half of the time now, I mean, I am old, I haven't been around this past year and we've got some talent that looks like that they should be writers and we have some writers that appear to be in better shape than the talent. I am all confused. I don't know what to do," Big Show admitted.

"I'm not ragging on anybody. The business is different and all of these guys are working hard. They are taking advantage of opportunities and I don't take away from anyone wanting to take advantage of an opportunity. I mean, you know back in our day if we were given an opportunity we would take it no matter what and these guys are getting an opportunity.

"Good for them, but please don't let me know your entire history and what you have done. You would be really lucky if I knew your name if we worked together, you know? Then I can bond with you. If I had been in the ring with you and we had been on a couple of tours together like a Europe Tour or something like that, then you would really get to know somebody. But to remember all of those people backstage I don't have a clue. I am just nice to everybody backstage."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Busted Open Radio with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

Source: Busted Open Radio

Peter Bahi contributed to this article.

