Teenage Female Fan Issues Statement On James Ellsworth, Responds To His Statement On Legal Action

The 16 year old pro wrestling fan who recently accused former WWE Superstar James Ellsworth of sending her nude photos has released a statement in response to a statement that Ellsworth released this week.

The female fan, who uses the name Kenzie on Twitter, is standing by her original claims. She did say she regrets going to social media with what happened, but that she is learning from the mistake. She also accused Ellsworth of doing "hardcore drugs" but that accusation was based off hearsay. You can read her full statement below:

"Mr.Ellsworth made a statement. Everyone is sending me. I seen it. Y'all got to think, If a minor 'allegedly' accused you of sending nudes, wouldn't you do everything to save your ass too? People act like he is going to come out and admit it all

I know the truth. All the stories I've heard about him disgust me. People who worked with him, and know him have told me he's has done hardcore drugs before also. His own bestfriend is even admitted over a phone call to a girl who has known Jimmy since 2012 that Jimmy has been unspeakable things all his life. In all the screenshots girls, people who have worked with him, promoters, wrestlers, etc the reason I blurred out their names out of respect. I don't need tons of people hitting them up also

It's funny the account he added me from, tons of girls also sent me that same exact snap, and said that he gave them the exact snapchat to them. I've heard that Snapchat is one he uses to just add girls. Also, people saying 'Well, his face wasn't in any of the explicit photos". Let me know when you find a guy who shows his face when he's taking pictures of his junk.

People say 'Oh, why'd she give a grown man on snapchat, etc'. You guys are telling me, if a wrestler you liked and were a fan of you, you wouldn't do that to? I have plenty of wrestlers on my snapchat (Nia, Mojo, Shinsuke, and more)

Someone who I was a fan of, met twice, bought his shirt, cheered him at matches, supported his wrestling career, why would I want to ruin his career & life? He has kids also, I wouldn't destroy someone's family just for the hell of it. If I were to fake a pedo, it wouldn't be someone as low profile as Ellsworth

There is always gonna be people siding with him. When things like this happen, not everyone is only going to be on one side. Going to social media first about this is the biggest mistake I made, and I understand that. I regret doing that, but everything is a learning lesson"

As we noted before, Ellsworth issued a statement this week that said his legal team recently wrapped a thorough investigation into the accusations and they are ready to pursue legal action. Ellsworth's statement reads like this:

"Recently, allegations of misconduct have been lodged against me which I categorically deny. I never have, nor will I ever engage in any activity that could be deemed as inappropriate or disrespectful. My delay in publicly commenting on this situation was based on the advice of my legal team which has just completed a thorough investigation. My attorneys have pinpointed a trusted witness who is willing to testify on my behalf. In addition, they have uncovered concrete evidence that supports my innocence and proves that without a shadow of a doubt the social media accounts alleged to be mine are fake and the messages from the account were fraudulently created without my knowledge or consent. My only hope is to restore my reputation as I, along with my family, friends and supporters have suffered because of a social media stunt devised to end my professional wrestling career. My team and I are prepared to pursue legal action against any party that persists with the promotion of these lies."

For those who missed it, below are the original tweets from the fan made back in mid-November along with the first statement from Ellsworth's attorney:

