Kurt Angle Talks Actually Punching Brock Lesnar In The Face During A Match, Remaining WWE Goals
WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle did another Facebook Q&A with fans. Here are some of the highlights:
If he has actually punched any WWE Stars in the face during a match:
"Yes. Let me see....Brock [Lesnar], [John] Cena, Shane [McMahon], and [Samoa] Joe. I've done it quite a bit. My punches can be a bit stiff...LOL. One time I hit Brock in the face, and he said to me 'Do I owe you money or something?'"
Eddie Guerrero winning his first WWE Championship:
"Eddie broke the barrier of being undersized and winning the World Title. He and Chris [Benoit] made a huge statement at WrestleMania 20. It was one of the greatest 'feel good' moments I've ever seen. Eddie was the most deserving of this prestigious moment. He earned it."

If it bothers him how everyone usually comments on Brock Lesnar's botched shooting star press during their match at WrestleMania 19, despite the match being really good:
"No, everyone knows how good it was. I'm happy that people talk about the shooting star press, that's what gets people that haven't seen the match interested in watching it."
What's left to accomplish in his wrestling career:
"I have nothing that I feel I need to accomplish, other than an amazing retirement match, whenever that is."