Rebel Talks Being In The Dollhouse And The Menagerie On Impact, Characters Disappearing Off TV

Tanea Brooks (aka Impact's Rebel) spoke with Wrestling Epicenter about being involved with the Menagerie and the Dollhouse on Impact Wrestling, and characters just dropping off TV. Here are some of the highlights:


Her first Impact run as part of the Menagerie:

"I loved the Menagerie. I wish we could do it all over again. I agree, though, we didn't get the time, we didn't get the push. I'm so confused by it. All I heard were positive things?that fans were behind it, the ones that knew of it. I feel like we were a dark faction and they pushed us as baby faces. So, it didn't stick. Maybe people were confused? I'm not sure. All I got was good feedback! I'm still left confused on why and how it dissolved."

Playing a heel character in the Dollhouse stable:

"There is something to be said about enjoying being a heel so much. [Laughs] That definitely felt right up my ally. That whole faction?the music, the colors, the outfits, the attitude. All of that felt so fitting!"


Why the Dollhouse disappeared:

"Well, I think everyone knows something happened in the UK when it was me, Mia, and Marti [Belle] and they decided that it was going to be [Awesome] Kong that would join the Dollhouse. She was not originally supposed to. So, something happened in the UK? I can't remember what it was. So, they needed to shift things. And then, I think everyone knows what happened backstage with Kong."

Characters just suddenly dropping off TV:

"That is an inside tip on the wrestling business. If executives leave the business or if someone thought of that idea, they'll just dissolve it! We just disappear! Or, if they don't like that story or if someone gets hurt, it just disappears! That is one thing I just don't like?I don't like that part of the business. Let's just finish it! Let's just address it. It is weird that people just disappear! Like, if someone gets hurt and you can't be a faction anymore?let's have that person have a storyline making that faction no longer. Whatever it is, I feel like there should always be a conclusion."

Rebel also discussed more about her recent NXT match. You can check out the full interview in the video above or read more highlights by clicking here.

