WWE Congratulates Apollo Crews On Second Child, Tegan Nox Gives Knee Injury Update, Aleister Black

- Above, Aleister Black appeared on UpUpDownDown to play Final Fight 2 with Xavier Woods. Black spoke about his favorite Marvel character (Cable) and moving from Amsterdam to America.

- WWE sent out congratulations to Apollo Crews and his wife, Linda, on the birth of their second child, Kai Isaac.

- On Instagram, Tegan Nox noted yesterday was six months since her knee injury (dislocated knee cap, torn MCL & LCL) at last year's WWE Mae Young Classic. Nox gave an update on how her rehabilitation has been going.

"Today marks the 6 month anniversary (to the day & date) of the best/worst day of my career! It's been a tough 6 months full of blood, sweat and tears but I wouldn't change it for the world...even the knee scope in November! I've taken the time off to change both physically and mentally, plus I've been picking up some extra skills along the way! I'm still a little ways away from returning but every day is better than the last! #ShatteredGlass ...just saying."

