Court Bauer On Bruce Prichard Signing With WWE, The Recent Near Riot At An MLW TV Taping

Bruce Prichard has decided to return to WWE once again after serving as a senior producer for MLW in 2018. With MLW, he worked under founder Court Bauer and those two go back decades to when Bauer was a writer alongside Prichard in WWE.

Bauer joined our WINCLY podcast to discuss Prichard going back to WWE and why he ended up leaving MLW.

"Just scheduling-wise, it was tough for us and for him to make it work beyond War Games in Ft. Lauderdale [in September]," said Bauer.

"His relationship with WWE started several months later. There was no weirdness at all and I was one of the first to congratulate him. Bruce and WWE go together like PB&J. It's the place for Bruce to be. If you hear the podcast, you get it."

MLW is always on the lookout for new talent and there could be some big names on the market very soon. Dean Ambrose is on the way out of WWE and Bauer talked if he would have any interest in Ambrose or any other recently released WWE talent.

"Some of them are on 90-day windows where you have to wait for them to become free agents," stated Bauer. "So, I'm always looking at different talent..."

While there may be an interest from MLW's side, Bauer says there are only so many roster spots available and they are fully committed to the guys they already signed.

In regards to Ambrose in specific, Bauer still isn't 100 percent convinced that he is leaving WWE based on just how wrestling works.

"I'm curious to see if he ends up going into free agency and what happens there," stated Bauer. "You hear different stories and I'm curious to see what happens."

When asked if he thinks Ambrose could stay with WWE, Bauer said, "I think anything's possible in wrestling. It's wrestling!

"Overnight things are changing and it happens so quick. You don't know who's going where or what's happening or what they're doing. Are they aligned with this promotion? Is that promotion working with that promotion?You don't know, you have to keep up with it."

At MLW's most recent show, Intimidation Games, there was a near riot and Bauer said that might have been a first considering the circumstances that led to it.

"It was probably the first time in wrestling during a squash match that a riot broke out," admitted Bauer. "That's how much heat we got?.That match, by the end of it, even though it was a squash we almost had a riot. Someone jumped the barricade and they're throwing beer and water."

Bauer compared it to WCW back in the day when the nWo took over and fans flooded the ring with bottles and debris.

"Not that I want that to be something we see on every MLW show. Not that I anticipated that level of response. But I really did want heat on that and it worked perfectly," said Bauer.

Bauer was in the gorilla position while the scene was playing out and he was happy it reached a certain threshold without it going past that threshold.

"I'm sitting there with my headset on and I'm seeing two pros that know how to get heat execute exactly the game plan that I had hoped for?. They got it to the right level and didn't bring it up one iota more than it needed to go," stated Bauer.

Last April MLW had WaleMania in New Orleans and Bauer teased plans for what's happening with MLW this April.

"We're running April 4 and April 5 with MLW events and we're gonna compliment WaleMania in a very special way," said Bauer. "That's all I can say now ? it's a breaking story. Check out [Wale's] Twitter, I guess, is the way to go with it."

MLW Fusion airs every Saturday at 9/8 CST on BeIn Sports. MLW will present their Rise Of The Renegades TV tapings on April 4th from the Melrose Ballroom in Queens, NY. Tickets can be purchased at

The full audio of our exclusive interview with Court Bauer aired on a recent episode of our WINCLY podcast. It can be heard in the embedded player below. In the full interview Court discusses the secret to MLW's success in Chicago, Jim Cornette joining the MLW commentary team, the advantages of MLW talent working for AEW, Bruce Prichard signing with WWE, the near riot at a recent MLW taping and more.

You can check out past episodes of the WINCLY here.

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