Best Friends Advance To All Out, Future Adam Page Match Set, The Buy In Pre-Show

- Above is tonight's AEW The Buy In pre-show for Fyter Fest (full results here), featuring Allie vs. Leva Bates, Best Friends vs. SCU vs. Private Party, and also Michael Nakazawa vs. Alex JeBailey (CEO Gaming). The show starts at the 1:13:30 mark.

- Kip Sabian joined commentary for the 4-Way Match involving Adam Page, Jimmy Havoc, MJF, and Jungle Boy. It was announced before the bout he would meet the winner of the match in the future, which was Page. The two are scheduled to meet at AEW Fight for the Fallen on July 13.

- Also on the pre-show, Best Friends picked up the win over Private Party and SCU, and will now advance to AEW All Out on August 31 in Chicago. It's unknown who they will face as of this moment, but the winner of that match will get a first round bye in the AEW Tag Team Championship Tournament. Post-match on the big screen, Dark Order said they want their first match to be against The Best Friends, nothing was officially announced yet by AEW.

