WWE Extreme Rules: The Undertaker And Roman Reigns Vs. Shane McMahon And Drew McIntyre

No Holds Barred Match: The Undertaker and Roman Reigns vs. Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre

We go to the ring and the boos start up as soon as Shane McMahon's music hits. Shane makes his way out to the ring first. Mike Rome stops his original introduction and gives Shane a big "Best In the Word" introduction. Drew McIntyre is out next. Roman Reigns is out first for his team. Shane and Drew try to intimidate Reigns as he waits by himself for his partner to come out. The bell finally tolls as the lights go out and The Undertaker's grand entrance begins.


Taker stands with Reigns and they stare down their opponents, who aren't backing down. Taker takes off his hat as the lightning strikes and fans pop. Renee accuses Shane of hiding behind Drew, who is staring Taker down. Fans start chanting Taker's name. The bell finally rings as Drew starts off with Reigns.

They talk some trash and meet in the middle of the ring. Drew strikes first and they start brawling. Reigns sends Drew into the corner and rocks him with a big right hand. Reigns scoops Drew for a Samoan Drop but Drew slides out. Drew ends up hitting a big belly-to-belly across the ring. Drew takes it to the corner and tags in Shane after stomping away on Reigns. Shane comes in to boos. Shane with a bunch of strikes on Reigns in the corner. Reigns comes back with a big right hand. Reigns mounts Shane in the corner and unloads with strikes as fans count along. Taker is ready to come in and fans pop. Shane tries to avoid it. Taker tags in to a big pop. Taker unloads on Shane with strikes and big shoulder blocks. Taker drops a leg over Shane's arm and covers for a 2 count.


Taker grabs Shane by his arm and stares Drew down. Taker lets Shane get close for a tag but yanks him back, still staring Drew down. Taker goes up for Old School but Shane pulls him down and unloads with strikes in the corner. Taker easily turns it around and beats Shane down in the corner. Taker continues running over Shane as Reigns looks on smiling. Fans chant "you still got it" at Taker now. Taker goes back to the top rope and this time hits Old School for a big pop.

Drew reaches for a tag and Taker allows it. Taker and Drew stare each other down as Drew slowly comes in. They meet face-to-face and Drew strikes first. Taker fires back with strikes and they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Drew kicks Taker in the face but he just takes it. Drew counters a shot and clotheslines Taker over the top but he lands on his feet. Taker brings Drew out and sends him into the apron. Taker with a big leg drop on the apron. Taker brings it back in for a 2 count.

Reigns unloads on Drew in the corner as fans count along. Reigns levels Drew with a big boot to the face off the ropes. Shane tries to distract from the apron and Reigns rocks him to the floor. Reigns ends up hitting the floor hard after Shane interferes again. Taker comes over and grabs a steel chair, chasing Shane up to the stage. Drew stops Taker at ringside and launches him into the steel ring steps. Drew brings it back into the ring as Shane comes back to the ringside area. Drew with a suplex to Reigns for a 2 count. Drew drops Reigns again and tags in Shane to make the 2 count. Shane mounts Reigns with strikes for another pin attempt. Drew with another quick tag, taking Reigns back to the corner. More offense by the heels, keeping Reigns down. Drew grounds Reigns in the middle of the ring and works on the arm as Taker waits for a tag, pacing the apron.


Reigns finally counters Drew in the corner but Drew rocks him. Reigns catches Drew with a Samoan Drop and they both go down. Taker rallies the fans for Reigns now. Drew charges but Reigns moves and Drew hits the ring post shoulder-first. Taker and Shane tag in at the same time. Taker drops Shane and then Drew. Taker tosses Drew into the corner and then another corner. Taker with a corner splash. Taker scoops Shane and hits Snake Eyes. Taker follows up with a big boot. Taker knocks Drew off the apron, then clotheslines Shane over the top to the floor. Shane hits the apron on the way down. Taker follows Shane and stomps him. Taker starts taking apart the middle announce table now.

Taker looks to powerbomb Drew through the announce table but Elias runs down and nails Taker with a guitar shot to the back. Fans boo as Taker goes down. Reigns comes over and beats on Elias until Drew drops Reigns with a Claymore Kick into the timekeeper's area. Taker gets up and blocks a shot by Elias. Taker goes for a chokeslam to Elias but Drew drops Taker with a Claymore.

Drew takes apart an announce table. Shane directs traffic as Drew and Elias bring Taker over to the middle announce table, laying him on top. Shane goes back in the ring and goes to the top. Shane flies and nails a huge elbow drop, putting Taker through the announce table. A "holy s–t!" chant breaks out. Elias and Drew check on Shane as we go to replays of the flying elbow drop. Taker is still out as Drew and Elias drag him back into the ring. Shane gets up and stumbles to the ring as well.


Shane orders Elias and Drew to drag Taker into the corner, positioning him against the turnbuckle. Shane brings a trash can from under the ring and puts it against Taker's face. Drew works Taker over while he's down as Shane slowly goes back to the top. Shane cuts his own throat to mock Taker. Shane leaps again, this time hitting a big Coast 2 Coast to Taker and the trash can in the corner. Reigns runs around the ring and hits a Superman Punch to Elias. Drew takes Reigns down on the floor with a Russian leg sweep. Shane drags Taker to the middle of the ring and looks to crawl for a pin but Taker sits straight up. Shane can't believe it.

Taker stands up and puts Shane back down with a chokeslam. Elias comes in but Taker also hits him with a chokeslam. Taker stands tall and cuts his own throat but Drew is now standing behind him. Taker turns around but Reigns runs in with a big Spear to Drew before he can hit Taker with a Claymore. Reigns grabs Shane and sends him into Taker. Taker scoops Shane and hits a Tombstone Piledriver in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: The Undertaker and Roman Reigns

This is from our live coverage of the WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view. You can access our live play-by-play by clicking here.

