"Woken" Matt Hardy Returns In Latest "Free The Delete" (Video)
After putting some water from the Lake of Reincarnation into his pool (or the Reservoir Of Altering Rebirth), Matt Hardy splashed down into it at the end of episode four of his Free the Delete YouTube series. Above, in the latest episode, "Woken" Matt made his reappearance and decided he had to be tested in the ring to see if he can go forward. You can check out the first four episodes here.
As noted, Hardy's WWE contract is reportedly up in February 2020 and there's been no word yet if he'll re-sign with the company. Hardy reportedly wants to make sure wherever he signs, he'll be used properly when it comes to his character and future storylines.
Hardy has appeared on RAW over the past couple weeks, losing to Buddy Murphy, and then Drew McIntyre. Earlier this week on Twitter, Matt commented:
"I needed to return to @WWE to finish in the right way. I didn't want 2010 to be my finale. I returned in the most EPIC way & repaid my debt. I waved the #WWE flag with pride & worked hard to be a model employee. My conscience is clear & I am at peace."
I needed to return to @WWE to finish in the right way. I didn't want 2010 to be my finale. I returned in the most EPIC way & repaid my debt. I waved the #WWE flag with pride & worked hard to be a model employee. My conscience is clear & I am at peace. pic.twitter.com/EpT1gjNZNT
— The VESSEL of Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 10, 2019