Impact Wrestling Results (1/14): 'Hard To Kill' Recap, Tessa Blanchard's Sit-Down Interview, RVD

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Josh Mathews and Don Callis welcomes fans to another edition to Impact Wrestling! They are live in-studio in Nashville, Tennessee. They begin by showing the dark matches from Hard To Kill. The first match is a four-way tag team match!

The Rascalz vs. Reno Scum vs. The Desi Hit Squad vs. TJP and Daga


The match is a free for all. Dez sends Luster The Legend to the outside. Dez and Rohit Raju are in the ring. Wentz comes in with a fly-by dropkick on Raju. TJP makes his way in the ring. Shera steps into the ring and Legend does too. Both men exchange back-and-forth strikes. Adam Thornstowe helps his partner Legend. Legend with a german suplex on Dez. Legend drags TJP into the ring. Daga with a back kick and a step-up enziguri sends Reno Scum out of the ring. Raju with a running knee on Daga. Shera throws Raju on top of TJP, then they send TJP out of the ring. Wentz with a running knee, flies off the rope with a big shot, Dez with the cover, kick out. TJP with a pump fake on Shera. Thornstowe flies over the top rope and takes out the other men on the outside. Daga steps back in the ring. Daga with several knee strikes on Raju. Dez flies in with a boot. Wentz with a swanton off the top rope. Shera sends Dez into Raju, Raju with a knee strike, sends Dez back to Shera. Shera with a powerbomb, cover, Desi Hit Squad wins.

Winners: The Desi Hit Squad

After the first dark match is shown, we go backstage to see Moose talking smack about how he will be the winner of tonight's four-way match. This match took place at 2300 Arena through House of Hardcore.


Later tonight, newly crowned Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard will do a sit-down interview. Callis still cannot believe that she won the match this past Sunday. He is looking forward to what she has to say. Up next, they show some video footage from Ace Austin (c) vs. Trey for the X-Division Championship match. Austin retained the title.

After, we see Austin backstage speaking to someone on the phone. He gets off the phone and asks if Impact is expecting a comment from him. He puts his playing card in his mouth and walks away.

Next, a recap from oVe vs. Blanchard, Willie Mack, and Rich Swann from Bash at the Brewery is shown. Swann suffered an ankle injury during that match. This made their match the next night at Hard To Kill for the Impact Tag Team Championships difficult to obtain. The North took every cheap shot they could to retain the titles, which they did. Footage from that match is shown. Backstage (after), Mack tells Swann he feels like a failure for losing. Swann tells him to stop thinking like that-he is the man and is the "best in this business." Swann knows that he and Mack will win those titles off The North soon.


Eddie Edwards is glad that he retained his "Call Your Shot" Trophy. For tonight's four-way, he knows that he'll win because luck is on his side. Footage of his match with Michael Elgin for the trophy from Sunday is shown.

Next, Mathews and Callis show exclusive footage of Elgin in Japan. He left for Japan right after Hard To Kill.

After, we see footage from Rob Van Dam's match against Brian Cage, then Daga. Cage suffered an injury during his match with RVD, which is why Daga stepped in afterward. Now at a hotel, we are about to see RVD and Katie Forbes' "celebration" (and no, this is not the live sex celebration that Lita and Edge had).


Back from the break, we see footage of Ken Shamrock and Madman Fulton's match. Shamrock won the match via submission.

After, the Impact Plus Moment of the Week is shown. It's Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett.

Next, the second dark match from Hard To Kill is shown!

Joey Ryan vs. Johnny Swinger

Ryan takes out his baby oil and pours it down his crotch before the bell rings. Bell rings, Ryan tells Swinger to "touch it." The fans start chanting it. Swinger puts Ryan in an arm lock. Ryan reverses it, tries to get Swinger to touch this dong. Swinger moves his hand away in time. Swinger psyches the fans and Ryan by pretending to touch it, but goes for a strike instead. Swinger sends Ryan to the turnbuckle. Swinger goes for a foot chokehold. The referee tells Swinger to break it up. Ryan fires back with a dropkick. Swinger with a roll-up pin puts his feet on the bottom rope, the referee catches it. Ryan gets Swinger to touch his dong! Ryan's d**k flip is so powerful, that it knocks out both Swinger and the referee. Ryan with the Sweet Tooth Music, cover on Swinger, Ryan wins the match!


Winner: Joey Ryan

After, we see the Impact Knockouts Championship match (from Hard To Kill) between Taya Valkyrie (c), Jordynne Grace, and ODB. Valkyrie retained the title.

Fans now get to see the historic match that went down between former Impact World Champion Sami Callihan and Blanchard. Both opponents went back and forth, pulling out all their best moves. Blanchard shocked the world after she became the first female to win the Impact World Championship.

Up next, the four-way match from the 2300 Arena.

Moose vs. Fallah Bahh vs. Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards for the X-Division Championship

Edwards with a chest chop on Moose. Moose Irish Whips Edwards into the corner. Edwards sends Moose out of the ring. Austin with a step-up enziguri on Moose. Bahh gives Moose the finger and they both exchange back-and-forth strikes. Moose with a hook to Bahh's eye. Both men collide with double clotheslines. Austin and Edwards return to the ring. Edwards chest chops all three opponents. Bahh dives through the middle rope right on to Austin and Moose on the outside. Edwards flies off the top rope. Their match will continue right after the break.

Back from the break, Edwards gets caught by Austin's boot. Edwards counters with a backpack drop, cover, Austin kicks out. Moose with a dropkick on Edwards. Moose sets Bahh on the top rope. He climbs to the top rope and lands a thunderous superplex. Austin runs over and pins Moose, Moose kicks out at 2. Then, Austin runs over to cover Bahh, Bahh kicks out. Moose with a pump kick on Bahh, Bahh counters with a clothesline. Moose and Edwards exchange chops. Austin drops Moose. Edwards with the Boston Knee Party on Moose. Bahh with the Fallah Bomb on Edwards. Austin off the top rope with a fold on Bahh, cover, Austin retains the X-Division Championship.


Winner: Ace Austin

After the match, we get to see never before seen footage of Blanchard after she won the Impact World Championship. Her family joins her in the ring and the Impact locker room hugs her as she walks up to the ramp. Next, Blanchard will join Mathews in a sit-down interview.

The show concludes with Blanchard's interview. Mathews asks Blanchard how she is feeling. She tells him that she feels on top of the world. Mathews asks her about oVe and if she feels vanquished with them all. She says no. She believes there will be some type of retaliation from them. For right now, she is focused on setting more goals and achieving them, especially now that she is a walking target. During their interview, Callihan interrupts by showing up on the screen. Callihan says that he is the only history-maker in Impact. He says that Blanchard may be the champion the fans and Impact want, but he is the champion they all need. The camera zooms back. It looks like he is in the back of the control center! Blanchard goes looking for him. Callihan fools her and says that he isn't going to make it that easy for her. He warns her that he will show up unannounced wherever and whenever he wants.

That concludes tonight's show. Thanks for watching!

