Matt Hardy On Wrestlers & Promoters Serving "Two Masters" Now, Free The Delete, Lana & Bobby Lashley

As seen above, WWE RAW Superstar Matt Hardy has released a new episode of his "Thoughts from The Throne" YouTube series on his personal channel. Hardy thanks Impact Wrestling fans for voting his Final Deletion match as the match of the decade for the company. He also talked about the creative behind the storylines and said they had no idea that it would catch on and become something that big.

Matt also discussed his "Free The Delete" YouTube series and confirmed that he has been putting the series together in a very specific way. Matt went on about how there are "two masters" that performers and promoters serve in the world of pro wrestling today – diehard fans and casual fans. Matt also gave props to the recent RAW wedding of Lana and Bobby Lashley.

"To everyone out there that's watching 'Free The Delete' which is continuing with that cinematic feel [of The Final Deletion], I hope you've been enjoying them," Matt said. "I have been doing them in a very specific way where I think in the professional wrestling business now, if you're a performer or especially if you're a promoter, and you're putting together the events, we serve two masters. I think there is the diehard fan that knows the deal and knows what's going on, and I think that fanbase is growing exponentially, and is getting larger every single day. That's one audience that we definitely have to take care of and we have to cater to them. The other audience is the casual fans and there are casual fans out there that just love the casual concept of wrestling, and there's this larger than life story – a good guy vs. a bad guy, and they wanna see a story happen, that culminates in a match, and there's trainwrecks on the way.

"A great example of that is the Lana and Bobby Lashley wedding. I mean, it did a big number, and I know those diehard fans h ate it, but obviously there's casual fans that are interested in it because people keep watching it online, and that wedding did such a good number. So, there are two masters we are serving, and the point of what I was saying was in 'Free The Delete' I am trying to cater to both of those. That's kind of how I try and perform in this day and age. I try and perform by serving two masters – the diehard fans and the casual fans. So, if you see something in 'Free The Delete' that stands out and you think maybe this means something – it means something."

Matt then confirmed that the next "Free The Delete" episode will be released on Friday. He talked about the character and gave an interesting preview for the next episode.

"This Friday there's a brand new episode of 'Free The Delete' coming out, episode seven, and we're going to learn the fate of Zenith, the essence which was inside 'Broken Matt Hardy' into 'Woken Matt Hardy.' It's like the force that made him magic, that made him special. Once he became Broken, he was able to track where zenith had been and all the man vessels he'd been in for over 2,000 years. So, we will learn the fate of Zenith. Guys, it's not that good, it's going to be a hard episode to watch, but I want you to check it out."

As noted earlier, Matt's current WWE contract expires in March of this year. You can click here for our latest backstage update on the WWE futures of The Hardy Boys.

Matt has released 6 episodes of "Free The Delete" so far. Friday's episode will be #7. You can see all 6 episodes below:

