Post-AEW Dynamite Dark Match Results: Falls Count Anywhere Match

After tonight's AEW Dynamite, Joey Janela defeated Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford) in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Below is a live recap of the match (thanks to @animtorrent for the recaps):

"Kip Sabian out first. Janela surprises him with a low blow during Kips entrance. Kip with an airplane spot, catches Penelope and knocks her down. Joey and Kip brawl. Penelope hits Joey with a dive from the stage. Kip and Joey fight through the crowd, toward the ring. The two grapple and roll around the ring and back out.

"Action spills back into the crowd and then back toward the ring. Kip crawls on ground on the other side of the guardrail, Joey follows. Joey grabs a prosthetic leg from the crowd and nails Kip with it! The crowd eats it up. Crowd chants for tables, Joey grabs one! Kip has Joey hanging from the top rope by only his feet, ultimately hits a very scary looking rolling, floating DDT maneuver.

"Series of big spots, the match is finding its pace and the crowd loves it. Scary spot with two tables lined up long-wise, with Kip on the apron, and Joey throwing Penelope into Kip, sending the two of them to fall between the two tables on the floor. Joey secures the win with a kendo stick shot."

Next up: The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Grayson) defeated CIMA and T-Hawk. Here is the live recap:

"Dark Order out first. Uno, Grayson (along with John Silver and Alex Reynolds). The two non-masked men held masks in their hands though. T-Hawk and Uno to start, there's a few tags; match is back and forth to start and largely looking like an even match-up. Dark Order eventually takes control and cuts the ring in half.

"T-Hawk finds an opening, counters an Irish whip and makes the hot tag. Stronghearts clean house with a double dive through the ropes to the outside! Grayson ends up landing a huge leaping knee from the second rope to CIMA on the apron. Dark Order picks up the win, with Uno securing the pinfall over T-Hawk."

The final match saw Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall (with Brandi Rhodes) beat Peter Avalon and Shawn Spears (with Leva Bates and Tully Blanchard). Below is a recap:

"Shawn Spears out first, medium heat. Librarians out next, crowd isn't happy. Avalon starts talking, when Dustin's music hits and the crowd pops! We're saved. QT and Avalon start things off. Chain wrestling and 'shhhh'-ing. QT takes control and makes the tag to Dustin, taking Avalon to the mat. Avalon scurried away and makes the tag. It's Spears vs Dustin, working headlocks, shoulder tackles, but they look great together. Spears with a cartwheel, and then mocks Dustin's 'Goldust' taunt. Solid back and forth action and the crowd is eating it up.

"Dustin points to the ceiling and the crowd erupts in 'Dusty' chants, feels extra special here in Atlanta. Spears and Avalon isolate QT and take control of the match. They slow down the action, QT catches Spears with an enziguri and makes the hot tag to Dustin.Rhodes is on fire and regains control handily. Crowd pops huge for '10 minutes remain' warning, with a '10' chant of their own. Dustin's about to attack Avalon, Leva block his path, Brandi comes in and spears Leva! Dustin secures the pinfall over Peter Avalon."

As noted, before tonight's show Jimmy Havoc defeated Marko Stunt (with Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus). Excalibur and Taz were on commentary for next week's AEW Dark.

Check out tonight's Dynamite results here.

@animtorrent contributed to this article.

