Tony Khan Criticizes WCW Mismanagement, Tony Schiavone AEW Status Note, CM Punk At C2E2
- Tony Schiavone revealed on Twitter that his baseball career is now over. Schiavone noted that it was a decision that he made. Schiavone had signed a full-time, multi-year deal with AEW last August that allowed him to to continue to call the play-by-play for the Atlanta Braves' Triple A team, the Gwinnett Stripers.
- The Financial Times has an article here about AEW's early success. The article includes quotes from yours truly about whether AEW is responsible for the fall in WWE popularity, as well as comments from AEW lead investor Shahid Khan. AEW President Tony Khan was also interviewed for the piece and was asked if he's learning from other companies, like WCW. Khan said he's taking examples of "what not to do" from WCW, and said that if WCW had produced competitive shows and run them logically, then the Monday Night Wars would have lasted for decades. He said that WCW was badly mismanaged and was a "real disservice" to the fans. He took WCW to task for advertising matches that would never happen, as well as for signing talent to six figure deals without ever working.
- CM Punk will be signing autographs this weekend at the Pro Wrestling Tees Booth #184 at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2). Punk will be signing on Friday from 2;30 – 6:30, Saturday from 11:00 – 5:00 and Sunday from 12:00 – 4:00.
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