Edge Tweets About Upcoming Appearance, Canvas 2 Canvas (Video), Renee Young On HOF Ceremony Dress

- The above video is the newest Canvas 2 Canvas from WWE artist-in-residence Rob Schamberger. The video is part of the Select Series and includes NXT star Chelsea Green, Raw Superstar Angel Garza, SmackDown Tag Team Champion John Morrison and Sting donning his nWo Wolfpac red-and-black face paint.

- As noted earlier this week, Edge is scheduled to be on Monday Night RAW tomorrow.

He tweeted this afternoon that he was on his way to the show. He wrote, "Pick up truck in the wind. @PearlJam cranked. Here I come #RAW"

- Renee Young is worried that the WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony will be canceled because of the coronavirus. She tweeted that she received her dress for the ceremony and if it's canceled her couch will be in for a fancy evening.

Her full tweet, "My Hall of Fame dress just got delivered. I hope i get to wear it...(if not, my couch and some @WhiteClaw's are in for one VERY fancy evening)"

