The Daily Show's Trevor Noah Mocks WWE Being Deemed An Essential Business (Video)
This past week, WWE was officially deemed an "essential business" in the state of Florida putting it in the same category as grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacies and other businesses vital to those who live in the state. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' office said that WWE was essential to the economy of Florida, thus granting it the status of an essential business.
The news not only has reached local and national news but also late-night comedy shows like The Daily Show. In a rundown of the latest off-the-wall news, Noah talked about Lego working on face masks and a village in Indonesia using volunteers dressed as ghosts to encourage people to stay home.
The conclusion of the segment was the WWE news. After showing a local news clip of the news Noah said, "there is one thing though, since wrestling has been taping during corona, the storylines have gotten pretty weird."
The clip cut to Noah in a low-budget outfit cutting a promo saying, "Triple H, I saw you touching your face, and you didn't wash your hands!" Noah, in character as a wrestler, screams into the camera, "You are about to pay! I'm gonna flatten your curve!"
Noah cut to another clip saying, "we actually have footage of the WWE negotiating with the Governor."
The "footage" was of The Shield break-up where Seth Rollins turned on his stablemates with Randy Orton and Triple H looking on. Governor DeSantis' face was photoshopped onto Dean Ambrose's as Rollins landed multiple chair shots as a voiceover in a wrestling announcer voice commentated on the "punishment" DeSantis was taking.
As noted, the amended Executive Order from DeSantis allows professional sports with "a national audience" to continue taping in the state of Florida on closed sets. This would apply to companies like AEW, who had been taping at Daily's Place in Jacksonville last month.
You can watch the clip in the video above.