Kenny Omega Is Over Colt Cabana's Antics (Being The Elite Recap)

Kenny Omega announced yesterday they would be holding off on BTE, but in the description of the latest video they wrote: "Hi guys and girls. We hope this video provides an escape, or even maybe makes you laugh during these tough times. We love you all."

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

- Nick shows a clip of his new child and says "my babyface." Cut to Matt Hardy explaining how a "babyface" in wrestling portrays the good guy and someone who can sell a "s— ton of merch."

- Kenny Omega chills with Hangman Page, Colt Cabana runs in and taunts Omega, but Kenny doesn't chase this time. Colt tries to get him to run, but Omega says he's not in the mood. Omega says he's sacrificed a lot to get to where he's at and his skit with Colt has made him a bit of a laughing stock now. He was once the talk of the town, but now he's reduced to a comedy sketch with a comedy wrestler. Omega gives Colt a warning, the next time he sees him, he's going to beat Colt within a inch of his life. Colt says "Okay..." and Omega kicks him out of the room. He apologizes to Hangman, but he's not paying attention at all.

- Brandon Cutler checks in with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy about a new bit. They are driving around in a cart and end up just going in reverse down a long hallway to get away from Cutler.

- Alex Abrahantes' latest "Speaking Spanglish" with Santana and Ortiz who show how to order a hamburger and hot dog.

- Cutler runs into Peter Avalon and Leva Bates, says he sees Avalon is facing Orange Cassidy. Cutler says he was offered the match, but he wanted to work on himself a bit. Cutler then talks about trying to work with Avalon, but he blew it. They get into their "you're the worst wrestler in AEW bit." Avalon says he's done with this and storms off.

- Private Party looking at the card, but doesn't see them on it. Nick Jackson walks up and says they didn't have any room, creative didn't have anything for them. Marq Quen says he was just in the main event, how's that the case? They don't believe Nick until he says he's "deadass" and then they take him very seriously.

- Brodie Lee storms into a room and yells at the other Dark Order members about there being 40,000 e-mails about recruitment (throwing a stack of papers in Uno's face). Lee tells Evil Uno to do something about it and leaves. Uno then tells John Silver and Alex Reynolds they will be working on recruitment e-mails. Reynolds and Silver are happy and feel like a promotion is coming.

- Angelico and Jack Evans still feel like they are being neglected in AEW. The duo call out The Young Bucks, Evans says they are the true test, but also the ruiners of wrestling. Evans then preaches about bringing down Matt and Nick Jackson.

- Best Friends and Orange Cassidy hanging out, still trying to figure out a bit for BTE. Trent says what if they killed Brandon Cutler. Taylor seems into it. Cassidy asks how they will do it. Trent says they should do it like Home Alone and set a bunch of traps for him. Cassidy then offers up an idea, but it's just more things from Fast & Furious.

- Clips shown from Dynamite. Backstage, Cutler talks with Matt who is still sore from his bruised ribs. Cutler says he can either keep being in pain, or take either the red pill or the blue pill. Matt says he can't take them, and Cutler asks if it's because he's Christian. Matt says he's wrong. Cutler then asks if Cody got to him and he's now an atheist. Matt responds he and Nick are Christian, but they aren't just a regular old Christians. They are "Christian AF." He then tells Cutler to get out of the way. Hangman Page walks up to him and asks him if he wants to "do alcohol." Matt says of all people Page should know better, "I'm Christian AF" and tells Page to get out of the way. Matt then walks into his office where Private Party are partying it up with Matt Hardy. Matt Jackson can't believe they are trying to turn him into an alcoholic, lets them know "I'm Christian AF" and kicks them out.

