WWE COVID-19 Testing Updates, More On Fans Being Used At The WWE Performance Center This Week

As noted on Monday night at this link, WWE issued a statement to announce that a WWE NXT developmental talent has tested positive for COVID-19. Tuesday's WWE TV tapings were cancelled so the company can give coronavirus testing to everyone who has been on site at the Performance Center. The person who tested positive was last at the facility on Tuesday, June 9, and no other individuals who were at the Performance Center have reported symptoms.

The identity of the person who tested positive is unknown, but it's been reported that this is a PC developmental talent and not someone who is on NXT TV. F4Wonline.com notes that the person was at a set of NXT TV tapings last Tuesday.

Regarding Tuesday's COVID-19 testing, this will be the first such test the company has done for everyone. They have been doing basic medical tests before allowing people into the building every day, which include temperature checks, but they have not administered company-wide coronavirus tests until now. F4Wonline.com notes that the plan is for all key members of the staff that works the tapings to be tested throughout today, as well as all of the talent.

WWE was to tape next week's RAW and SmackDown episodes today before the cancellation was made. F4Wonline.com reports that those two shows will be taped on Wednesday, as will WWE 205 Live. Two NXT episodes were to be taped on Wednesday, with one airing that night, and there's no word yet on when they will be taped, but they don't have much time. WWE taped last night's RAW and this Friday's SmackDown on Monday.

WWE noted in their statement that they plan to resume the schedule they've been on after the COVID-19 test results are in.

On a related note, we noted before how there were some actual fans, possibly friends and family of company employees, used as members of the crowd for this week's RAW episode from the Performance Center. They were mixed in with NXT developmental trainees, who have been used as "fans" in the crowd for several weeks now.

Local Orlando news reporter Jon Alba noted on Twitter that there was a "small amount of fans in attendance" for Monday's RAW taping at the Performance Center. It was also noted that a source reported some of the fans allowed in were friends of the talent. The fans are expected to be invited back for the rest of this week's tapings.

"There are a small amount of fans in attendance for tonight's #WWE tapings. I was told by one source some are friends of performers," Alba wrote. He continued in a follow-up tweet, "This of course comes as coronavirus cases around Orange County are on the rise, though the county reported no new deaths today."

Fans have been absent from WWE shows since mid-March when the schedule was changed and tapings were moved to the Performance Center due to the coronavirus pandemic. You can click here for the latest update on when WWE will resume regular live events amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Stay tuned for updates.

