Matt Jackson Throws A Jab At Randy Orton (Being The Elite Recap)

In a segment on this week's Being the Elite, Matt Jackson is on the phone with Brandon Cutler and asks him if he could film something for the "50+ seconds for 50+" segment. Matt has been trying to figure out ways for Dynamite to gain on NXT in the 50+ demo.

During the call, Matt throws a jab at Randy Orton when trying to figure out a topic for this week's segment. "It's just gotta be something boring, slow, and plodding," Cutler says something and Matt responds, "It's a good idea, but I don't think WWE is going to license out a Randy Orton match."

This is stemming from Orton cracking a joke on social media about Jackson earlier this week. Jackson showed a clip of him flipping down on members of the Dark Order, partially connecting with them.

In the comments, Orton wrote:

"Sweet landing...but you didn't hit anybody. Tell Cody, Goldust, Harper, Swags, Y2J, Hardy, Ryder, Spears, Ambrose, Arn, Milenko, Gunn, and most importantly FTR for me."

Below are highlights from the rest of Being the Elite:

* Outside Daily's Place, Best Friends talk about how they are going to kill Brandon Cutler. They walk up to him, but Cutler then compliments Cassidy and said he talked with The Young Bucks and realized he was just hallucinating (about them killing Colt Cabana) due to a long travel day. Cutler then asks them about a bit, the guys say they will get one and end up not killing him. Cutler heads off, Taylor then says to Trent he can't wait to kill Cutler.

* Nick and Matt are toy hunting at Walmart for their AEW action figures, but they were all sold out.

* Matt and Nick at Daily's Place talking sneakers, and going against Uno and Grayson. They mention wrestling them back in the day in PWG. Matt says they are one of their all-time favorite rivalries.

* Latest "Speaking Spanglish" with Alex Abrahantes, Santana, Ortiz, and Dasha. Dasha is the judge in a case between Santana / Ortiz vs. Marko Stunt (with Alex Marvez as his lawyer). Marvez says Stunt's Tinder analytics have plummeted over the stories Santana and Ortiz have told about him. Ortiz argues Stunt never got Tinder dates before all of this. Dasha then demands order in the court, John Silver and Alex Reynolds show up, but Rick Knox kicks them out with his ten-count. Dasha ends up siding with Santana and Ortiz since it was just "chisme" (the word from last week) about Stunt.

* Nick and Matt hanging in the EVP room. Christopher Daniels comes in and is looking for Colt Cabana, but nobody has seen him. Nick then realizes Kenny maybe did something to him. Matt looks down and see "The Cleaner" ring gear.

* Clips of Young Bucks vs. Uno and Grayson from AEW Dynamite.

* Christopher Daniels' latest infomercial about the poison mortgage. He explains it, but then has to re-read the description, not fully understanding what he just said.

* Backstage, Matt Hardy talks with Mike (the referee he punched last week when he thought it was Sammy Guevera) and apologizes to him. Ryzin taps Matt on the shoulder and Matt immediately puts him in a chokehold and yells "I see red!" Hardy says he's going to make Guevara feel pain. Ryzin says he's not Sammy and Matt lets him go. Ryzin says they have history, but Matt doesn't know him, or anyone, anymore.

* Silver and Reynolds agree they need to get their act together and finally bring someone into the Dark Order. Reynolds says they should get Jon Moxley, but he hates the group. Silver says how about actor Tom Arnold? Says you have to be tough to married to Rosanne. The guys rattle off some other names like Sinbad and Pauly Shore. Peter Avalon and Leva Bates show up, Avalon says he hears they are looking for recruits, Silver and Reynolds aren't exactly thrilled with this. Avalon says he's in, but Reynolds and Silver say he's not and rip on him a bit. Avalon then tells them not to mention this to his tag partner, Brandon Cutler, who is the cameraman for the segment. "Peter, what the hell? I record BTE!" Cutler says. Avalon tries to just duck under the desk.

* Brodie Lee wants to see Evil Uno's paper throwing form. Evil launches some, Lee isn't happy with it. Uno tries another and Lee thought it was better, he then tells Uno the next person to come into the room, he wants the paper thrown right at his head. Uno sends it across the room and it hits Tony Schiavone in the chest, "What the f—?" Sciavone says. Lee couldn't believe Uno did that and walks out of the room with his arm around Tony.

* With a strange gold filter we see a first-person view of Colt Cabana walking down the hallway ? confused and in pain. He nearly goes back into the EVP room where he was attacked by Best Friends, but skips it. He runs into the medical team and tries to explain what happened to him. Colt runs down some of the things he remembers, and the physician just replies, "Scotty, that's a lot of gold, man." Scotty Goldman was Cabana's ring name in WWE.

