WWE Payback: Nia Jax And Shayna Baszler Vs. Sasha Banks And Bayley (WWE Women's Tag Team Titles)

WWE Women's Tag Team Titles Match: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley

Back to the ring and out first are the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions – Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley. Nia Jax is out next and Shayna Baszler joins her. They head to the ring together.


Jax tells Baszler to follow her lead but Baszler tags herself in at the bell. Baszler starts with Banks. Banks strikes first but Baszler beats her down. Banks comes back and dropkicks her. Banks misses a charge in the corner and lands on the second rope. Baszler unloads with kicks. Banks ends up with a modified abdominal stretch applied but Baszler slams her. Baszler keeps control as Banks tags in Bayley. Banks charges but Baszler tosses her to the floor. Baszler quickly takes Bayley down and focuses on the arm.

Bayley ends up sending Baszler into Jax, knocking her off the apron to the floor. Jax sells a hurt knee. Baszler gets beat down in the corner. Banks comes back in and covers for a pin attempt on Baszler. Banks with a seated abdominal stretch to Baszler now. Banks goes for the Three Amigos on Baszler but hits two, then tags in Banks. They go for a double team slam but end up botching it a bit, dropping Baszler to the mat. Bayley keeps control but goes to the floor as Jax recovers. Bayley gets sent into the barrier. Banks leaps at Jax but Jax catches her and rag-dolls her into the barrier a few times.


Baszler tags Jax in as she returns to the apron. Jax enters and levels Bayley. Jax sends Bayley into the corner again and hits a big splash next. Jax drops an elbow on Bayley for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Jax talks some trash but Bayley blocks a slam. Bayley drops Baszler on the apron. Baszler comes in but this allows Banks to run in and hit a cheap shot on Jax, taking her knee out while the referee is distracted. Bayley with a knee to Jax. The champs double team Jax in their corner now. Banks comes in with a 2 count on Jax.

Banks with more strikes and a dropkick to Jax. Bayley tags back in as they work on keeping Jax near their corner. Bayley focuses on the hurt knee, slamming the leg over the edge of the apron. Bayley with another 2 count. Jax ends up catching a crossbody, then slamming Bayley to the mat. Jax scoops Bayley on her shoulder but Banks comes in and pulls her off. Jax uses Banks to drop Bayley, then slams her on top of Bayley with a Samoan Drop. Jax drops a leg on Bayley but Bayley grabs the leg for a knee bar. Jax gets to her feet, dragging Bayley while she keeps the leg clutched. Baszler tags in and levels Bayley with several strikes to keep knocking her down. Baszler with a running knee to Bayley and a sliding knee to Banks, then a sliding knee to Bayley. Baszler with a gutwrench slam to Bayley, and another big knee for a close 2 count.


Banks tags back in but Baszler nails a big gutwrench Facebuster in the middle of the ring. Jax tags back in as the champs get double teamed. Jax splashes them both in the corner with an assist from Baszler. Banks counters Jax and plants her face-first in the mat. Jax clutches her nose and Cole says it may be busted. More back and forth between the two teams. Banks hits a Frogsplash on Jax but Baszler helps her kick out. Banks with a sliding knee to Jax for another close 2 count. Jax gets back up but Banks keeps the offense coming. Bayley tags in for the double team but they can't get Jax up. Baszler tags in as the champs hit a double back drop on Jax.

Baszler with a Kirifuda Clutch to Bayley from behind. Banks comes over but gets dropped face-first. Baszler with a leg submission to Banks. Bayley kicks but Baszler grabs it. Baszler has the Muta Lock on Banks and the Kirifuda Clutch on Bayley at the same time. Banks and Baszler tangle and they go to the mat but Bayley ends up tapping out.

Winners and New WWE Women's Tag Team Champions: Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax

This is from our live WWE Payback pay-per-view coverage. You can click here to access our full Payback coverage post.

