Hangman Adam Page Book Review And Contest Announcement

The Elite Team: Adam And The Golden Horseshoe is the latest children's book published by Trism Books to be penned by a professional wrestler. Following in the tradition of excellent books by Colt Cabana, The Young Bucks, and Cody [Rhodes], 'Hangman' Adam Page has written an inspiring story about confidence and self-belief.

As the story goes, when the young Adam Page felt like he needed some extra luck on his side to win his school's talent competition, 'Hangman' embarked on a journey of bravery and self-discovery. Although the story is more of a fantasy tale and not premised on professional wrestling, there is a lot for fans of the professional wrestling genre to enjoy about this offering, such as cameo appearances by The Elite, including a karaoke-singing Marty Scurll, as well as 'Hangman”s talking cowboy boots.

While Adam And The Golden Horseshoe is tale largely about self-confidence, it is also a story about support. In the book, 'Hangman' explained that he has often felt "overshadowed" by his famous friends in professional wrestling, but that their support has helped his confidence grow to where he can accomplish anything.

Illustrated by Dylan Coburn, Adam And The Golden Horseshoe boasts lively, action-packed frames that often take on the look and feel of a comic book. Coburn's fun artwork makes this book an honest to goodness page-turner.

With wonderful social messages of personal development and friendship, Adam And The Golden Horseshoe is a great story for all children and caregivers whom are professional wrestling fans will enjoy the Elite content as well.

The Elite Team: Adam And The Golden Horseshoe will be released in September 2020. Preorder Adam And The Golden Horseshoe here and please request that your local library order a copy for your whole community to enjoy. For a chance to win you own copy of the book, follow Wrestling Inc. on Twitter at @WrestlingInc and tweet us the hashtag #Cowboys–tKidsBook.

