Controversial WWE Network Content Being Removed On All Platforms

The controversial WWE Network content edits that are being made on Peacock are actually being done across all Network platforms.

As we've noted, Peacock is reviewing all 17,000 hours of WWE Network content to ensure it aligns with their standards & practices. It was previously noted WWE was being made aware of any edits, but since then it's been revealed that WWE is also helping Peacock with the review process.


These content edits were first revealed after it was confirmed that two infamous moments were removed from the WWE library after the Peacock launch for viewers in the United States back on March 18. The Survivor Series 2005 segment with WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon, John Cena and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T, where Vince dropped the N-word to Cena, was removed from the library. The WrestleMania 6 match between Bad News Brown and WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper was also removed. This match saw Piper wrestle with half of his body painted black, after he cut promos in blackface in the build to the match.

In an update, it's been confirmed that these edits have been made on all WWE Network platforms, not just Peacock. The match and segment were also removed on the stand-alone WWE Network app, which goes away for viewers in the United States this coming weekend. International users are also being affected by the edits.


Despite the review process and content edits, WWE and Peacock still expect to have the WWE library available for viewing on-demand in time for SummerSlam in late August.

Stay tuned for more.

