The Young Bucks And Matt Hardy Joke About WWE's "Thigh Slap" Rule (Being The Elite Recap)

Below are highlights from the latest Being the Elite:

* In the EVP room, Christopher Daniels cracks a joke, causing others in the room to laugh loudly. Matt Jackson slaps his leg while laughing and everyone stops. Matt Hardy points to the sign about the new rule he's enforcing: "no leg slapping while laughing." A reference to WWE's "do not slap leg when kicking" rule during matches. Hardy asks Daniels to enforce the rule and it's a $500 fine. Matt pays up the money. Nick thinks it's a weird rule to have and Hardy responds, "You young kids are obsessed with slapping your leg, and it's an easy way to make some cash." Nick then says "Maybe that's why VKM did that, as well." Matt jokes "this place is getting too corporate."

* A look back at Page wanting a new lawnmower when The Elite nearly received a sponsorship from Chili's. After beating Matt Hardy, that's what he ended up spending his money on. The new purchase is shown with Dark Order standing around Page while he sits in his new ride.

* Grayson is not happy with Page shoving him, he says only Anna does that! Page clarified he's terrified of Anna, and only did it because of her. Grayson gets it and forgives him. Page then runs down some questionable purchases he found on his credit card bill that the group made. Page says it's fine since they had his back at the PPV. The group heads off, but Colt Cabana stays behind and asks Page if he should pay for the group's purchases. Page says yes, and Colt does so.

* Matt Hardy enjoying some grapes as Private Party talk about their recent victory. The group brings some wine over to The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny, but they don't look like they want to party. Private Party ask what's up with them? Hardy says they are a little different, but they are celebrating right now. Hardy thanks the group and says the Dark Order will eventually be destroyed.

* Maki Itoh sings with Dark Order dancing in the background. She sees them dancing, stops, and says, "wow...s***ty dancers" and gives them the middle finger.

* Ortiz on the phone talking about the Dark Order. Ortiz then says he has to get some sleep and has a dream of him walking backstage. He walks the hallways as we see something following him. It's members of the Dark Order and Alex Abrahantes (dressed like Freddy Krueger) chasing him around. Cut to Dasha talking on the phone and getting choked out by Anna Jay. Sammy Guevara wakes up and he's suddenly outside Daily's Place, Dark Order chases after him with a car. Ten then gets Santana to open a bottle of Goya Adobo seasoning, which blows up in his face. Back to Ortiz still running, he trips and hurts his ankle, but Abrahantes rolls up on him and stabs Ortiz. He finally wakes up with some Adobo seasoning in his hand, says it was just a dream, and then sees Abrahantes claw next to him. Ortiz screams and runs off.

* Ryzin looks around the backstage area for a jacket. Nyla and Vickie go around and take random things from the other wrestlers. The group sells the items and makes a bunch of money from them. A masked wrestler walks by and they beat him up for his mask.

* Private Party show off their new drink, "This Ain't Water." Tipsy Page shows up and the two aren't happy to see him. Page says he just wants to talk. Page can't believe they are paying Matt Hardy 30% of their money, along with third-party appearances. "You're independent contractors, but you're exclusive? How the f*** does that make any sense?" Page says along with Butcher and Blade, there are four of them and only one of him. They could do something if they ever got the courage. Page says now that he has come into some money, he wanted to make things right with Quen and Kassidy. Page finally pays up his $12 tab that was from over a year ago. They count up the money, Page takes their drink and heads off. The two bicker about if Hardy is owed 30% and suddenly realize their bottle was taken!

