Finn Balor Says He Wants To Return To WWE Main Roster

Finn Balor spoke with Ryan Satin of FOX Sports about his current gimmick, how he ended up returning to NXT, and his desire to get back to the main roster for another run.

In terms of who he is in real life, Balor felt like the current iteration of his WWE character is the closest the two have ever been.


"The current Finn Balor character is the most accurate to my personality in real life, the way I'm performing it now, "Balor said. "I think in the past, it was a little different, but I feel like this is the closest I am to actually performing as myself in my career.

"When you come to WWE, it's such a well-oiled machine that has different departments that kinda help you reach your potential. I tried to keep a lot of those departments happy, but maybe I lost sight a little of who and what was true to myself or my character."

After being off WWE TV for two months, Balor returned to NXT in October of 2019 where he confronted then NXT Champion Adam Cole. Balor said the WWE office offered him some time to refocus his gimmick in NXT — and did so without giving him an exact time frame.


"The office came to me and said, 'Hey, we know you need a little time to regroup and refocus, and we could use your help in NXT. Would you be open to the option of returning there for a little while? Maybe it's three months. Maybe it's six months. But you recalibrate your character and then go back to RAW or SmackDown,'" Balor recalled.

"Three months turned into six months, turned into winning the title, turned to a year and a half now. I wouldn't change it for the world. It's been a great learning experience for me."

Ultimately, Balor noted he wasn't thrilled with this last main roster run and wanted to give it another go in the near future.

"I grew up as a wrestling fan watching WWE, and that's, essentially, where I want to be performing," Balor stated. "I feel like in my last run there, I wasn't doing myself justice. I needed to change something, and the change came with NXT to kinda figure out who I was again. I've managed to do that to some level, and I'm definitely hopeful that a return to RAW or SmackDown will happen in the future."

Balor took on and lost to NXT Champion Karrion Kross on last night's episode of NXT.

