Backstage Talk On The WWE NXT 2.0 Revamp, This Week’s Median Age

One of the main objectives for the ongoing WWE NXT 2.0 revamp is reportedly to draw in a younger audience, but the show has been drawing fewer younger viewers as of late.

It was noted by Florida sports reporter Jon Alba that word going around NXT is that the recent revamp was aimed at bringing in a younger audience. This is said to be the long-term plan for the brand.


However, the median age of viewers for this week's NXT 2.0 episode was 62 years old, according to Wrestlenomics.

Furthermore, Andrew Zarian of Mat Men reports that while the demographic numbers for NXT 2.0 are disappointing, officials are hopeful that this is just a bump in the road for the brand. A source commented on the direction for NXT 2.0 and what expectations are.

"[This] is all to bring a new younger viewer who is connected with pop culture & trends. Needless to say, the demo numbers are disappointing but we are hopeful this is just a bump in the road," the source reportedly said.

As noted, this week's NXT 2.0 episode drew 632,000 viewers with a 0.13 rating in the 18-49 key demographic. The episode drew the lowest viewership of the 2.0 revamp so far, and the lowest key demo rating for a live USA Network episode since June 29. This week's 0.13 key demo rating represents 170,000 18-49 viewers, which is down 7.10% from the 183,000 viewers that last week's 0.14 key demo rating represented. You can click here for our full report on this week's NXT 2.0 ratings.


In an update on the numbers, Wrestlenomics noted that this was the fourth-lowest 18-49 viewership that NXT has done on the USA Network. Besides two preemptions to Syfy, there have been 106 NXT episodes to air on the USA Network since September 2019.

Regarding the median age of 62 for this week's episode, this was the oldest median age for any single episode of a WWE show, at least in recent months. Younger viewers are watching NXT in fewer numbers, but NXT's P50+ audience is unchanged compared to the prior four weeks.

It was also noted by Wrestlenomics how female viewers have made up a lesser percentage of the audience within the demo recently, but that was also the case before the NXT 2.0 revamp. The male-female split in the demo was 67-33 this week. While the split has fluctuated, earlier this year women made up as much as 40% or more of the audience in the 18-49 key demo.

Stay tuned for more on NXT 2.0.

