Kurt Angle On WWE Creative Pitch He Wishes Vince McMahon Had Accepted

On the latest episode of The Kurt Angle Show, the former Olympic Gold Medalist spoke about the missed opportunity he had in WWE not being able to work with Chad Gable, Otis or American Alpha. On the same show, Angle revealed the most uncomfortable storyline he has ever been involved with during his time with WWE, citing that Vince McMahon put him in the storyline because he thought Angle had a "fetish for black women". Continuing to talk about the potential of working with Otis and Gable, the WWE Hall of Famer said the company wanted him to work with Riddle instead but he was unable to take the role due to other commitments.


"I wouldn't mind doing it, not only are they great amateur wrestlers but they're very entertaining too, especially Otis," Angle said. "I think I might have been able to be a part of that but it started after I left the company. There wasn't a possibility of me coming back and managing them. The WWE did offer me to manage Matt Riddle but I didn't take it at the time because I had other commitments. Otis and Chad Gable that would've been awesome, we would've had a lot of fun doing those segments."

The former WWE Champion revealed that WWE had offered him the role to be Riddle's manager on a previous podcast but that he had never heard back from WWE afterward. Angle also spoke about wanting to work with both Chad Gable and Jason Jordan as a part of a revamped Team Angle. The WWE Hall of Famer said the group would've had a great run in WWE and wishes he got the chance to work with American Alpha.


"I wanted to do that, I'm not sure why Vince didn't decide to do that," Angle said. "Instead he made Jason Jordan my son and Chad Gable had no relationship to me whatsoever. I would've probably done the opposite but I also think that those guys would've been the new Team Angle. It would've been a really good run, I'm not sure why Vince didn't want to do it. It's actually very disappointing because Team Angle didn't get to the level it could have. Team Angle only survived for like eight months, it wasn't a long period for that faction so to reignite it with Chad Gable and Otis or Jason Jordan would've been incredible. I think we could've done that for three or four years and had a great run."

The previous Team Angle consisted of Kurt, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas that was introduced in 2002. The WWE Hall of Famer spoke about what it would've been like to have the original members of Team Angle alongside Jason Jordan, Chad Gable and Otis.

"I would've loved to have all of them as a part of my faction," Angle said. "That would've been incredible and we could've been a Survivor Series team."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit The Kurt Angle Show Podcast with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.


