Britt Baker Aligns With Adam Cole & The Elite On AEW Dynamite

Tonight's episode of AEW Dynamite kicked off with Undisputed Era's Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, & Kyle O'Reilly coming down to the ring. Cole wanted to talk about their streak of dominance since re-aligning, and also mentioned how he individually remains undefeated since debuting in early September.

The Young Bucks interrupted the segment, with Matt Jackson mentioning how he "beat COVID's ass in two days" before continuing on. It seemed as if there was some tension between the groups, as Matt Jackson questioned why they weren't invited to come out to the ring with them tonight.

Kyle pointed out that they weren't invited in Jacksonville either because defeating the "Superfriends", by which he meant The Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, Trent, & Chuck Taylor, didn't require outside interference. Matt Jackson then explained how AEW is "their company" and they are the longest reigning AEW Tag Champions in history. He says The Young Bucks intend to become Tag Champions again in the New Year, which Kyle mentions is the goal for ReDRagon as well (Fish & Reilly together).

As the two begin to get a bit heated with their words, they were interrupted by The Best Friends. Orange Cassidy led the way with the microphone. But as they entered the ring and Adam Cole asked what he could possibly have to say that is so important, Cassidy ditched the microphone and attacked Cole.

Best Friends followed suit and attacked the other members of The Elite/ReDRagon, and as Cole began getting some shots on Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander jumped into the ring and confronted Cole face to face. Suddenly, AEW Women's Champion and the real-life girlfriend of Adam Cole, Britt Baker, ran down to the ring and took out Statlander.

As Adam Cole got ready for The Young Bucks to kiss each of his cheeks, something that is a signature taunt of theirs, Britt interrupted and gave Adam a big kiss on the lips. It will be interesting to see where everyone aligns, as AEW continues teasing Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish breaking away from The Elite.

You can see highlights below:



