Ryan Katz Reacts To WWE Departure And "Extraordinary" Run With The Company

Former WWE NXT Associate Producer Ryan Katz has issued a statement on his WWE departure, noting that his time with the company was extraordinary.

As noted, WWE issued a statement on Wednesday evening and said due to WWE NXT 2.0 changes, several producers, writers and coaches were being released. WWE Hall of Famer "Road Dogg" Brian James was the first name revealed, along with Sarah Cummins, who was working as the Senior Vice President of Consumer Products, as we reported at this link. It was then revealed that Katz, William Regal, Dave Kapoor, Scott Armstrong, George Carroll, and Christopher Guy were released, which we reported on at this link. It was then revealed that Hachiman, Timothy Thatcher, Danny Burch and Cathy Corino were also released, which we noted at this link. It was then revealed today, at this link, how Gabe Sapolsky was released.


You can click here for a backstage update on the releases and how names from the Triple H-era of NXT were cut, along with WWE's full statement on the departures, and news on how some reacted to the New Year's Evil entrance booked for new NXT Champion Bron Breakker. You can click here for Road Dogg's post-release comments, and click here for what several top stars had to say about Regal's departure.

In an update, Katz took to Facebook today and issued a statement on his departure. He recalled how he was brought in as the first WWE Performance Center employee, to be a protege and apprentice to the late WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes.

Katz had been involved in a lot of NXT creative character development and vignettes. He taught promo class following the passing of Rhodes, and was credited with helping numerous wrestlers improve their characters. He had been with WWE since 2015, and previously worked for MTV's Wrestling Society X and elsewhere as GQ Money.


You can read the full statement from Katz below:

In early 2012 I was offered a talent contract with WWE. My dream had come true. The day after Fed-Ex arrived with my paperwork, the guy that hired me was fired, and another day later I read that FCW was shutting down. Having experienced something like this twice in my past, I wasn't feeling too optimistic about my future in WWE. Upon graduating college I was very close to getting a job with WCW on their internet and hotline team, but the lady that was hiring me was transferred out of WCW, and the opportunity went away. I was also supposed to be a contestant on Deal or No Deal back in the day, but my hiring producer was fired, and again the opportunity did not come to fruition. So this was something I was familiar with, and while waiting for my medical testing date I received the 203 call that led to my contract offer being rescinded.

I had to keep working harder.

Fast forward to June 2013 and I was brought in as the 1st employee of the new WWE Performance Center, and to be a protege and apprentice to Dusty Rhodes.

My run at WWE was extraordinary. The talent I worked with, the cultures I learned from, the international travel, friends, creative work, passion, dedication, and sacrifice have all allowed me to live my life with a smile on my face and love in my heart. I love the people. I love supporting the talent. Helping them make their dreams come true. Sticking up for them and giving them a voice when theirs wasn't being listened to. I loved improving people's moods, giving them confidence and in many cases talking them off the metaphorical ledge and easing their mind, so they could go do what they were meant to do. I got to work with some of the biggest stars in the world, and I had the opportunity to help mold and guide them to who they are today, and for that I'm blessed, grateful and humble.

I also can't forget all the amazing, talented, charming, charismatic and hard working hopefuls that it didn't work out for, that had a positive impact on my life.

When I got the call I wasn't sad or angry, I actually laughed a little. I know I will be fine.

I have a wife that loves me, a puppy that adores me, and judging by messages, calls and things I've been reading, my effect on people has been positive and through it all my influence was kind and full of respect.

A special thanks goes out to Canyon Ceman, Bill DeMott, Matt Bloom, William Regal and of course The American Dream, for always believing in me, supporting me, and lifting me up, dare I say even onto a pedestal with your admiration, respect, guidance and knowledge. I was fortunate to be one of the few that gets to "live the dream" and lived every second of it with heart, passion, love and commitment.

To all the coaches, staff and talent I have ever worked with I thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives and dreams.

As someone who has lived through many cool experiences and opportunities, I can say with my head held up high and a smile on my face that there is so much more to come, and I'm still working to grow, learn and hopefully tap my full potential.

It's important to love the life you live, so you can live the life you love, and even through bad news and the uncertainty of unemployment, I am filled with an abundance of love.

To the talent going to work today, bummed out, sad, angry, whatever... Leave it at the door. You're there for a purpose and go make it happen. I left you all a final statement of motivation in the Dogg House. Read it, live it and go be UNDENIABLE.

'Nuff Respect. Love, peace and smileyness forever!


Stay tuned for more.

