GCW Don’t Tell Me What To Do 2022 Results (02/20)– H8 Club/The Rejects GCW Tag Team Title

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GCW Don't Tell Me What To Do 2022 card announced before the show (subject to change)

The H8 Club (Matt Tremont & Nick Gage) (c) vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed Bentley) for the GCW Tag Team Championship

Alex Colon (c) vs. Orin Veidt for the GCW Ultraviolent Championship

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Gringo Loco

Blake Christian vs. Ninja Mack

Joey Janela & Marko Stunt vs. The Second Gear Crew (AJ Gray & Matthew Justice)

Atticus Cogar vs. Alex Zayne

Jordan Oliver vs. Alec Price

Drago Kid vs. ASF


Jordan Oliver vs. Alec Price

Both men lock up testing each other's strength to kick us off tonight. They go for another lock up as Jordan Oliver pushes Alec Price into the corner. Another hard lockup follows that up, as Price gets Oliver in the corner this time. Price hits the ropes, but Jordan Oliver takes him down. He eventually sends Price flying over the top rope following a Clothesline. Jordan delivers a huge kick on the outside, as Price goes crashing into the front row.

Back in the ring, Oliver delivers a chop to Price in the corner. Oliver sends him into the opposite corner. As Oliver sends him against the ropes, Price counters with a DDT in the middle of the ring. Price has Oliver on the mat and delivers a knee drop. Price then hits a combination of manoeuvres before hitting Oliver into the corner of the ring. Price goes for a cover, but Oliver kicks out. Price looks to go for a Cradle Piledriver, but Oliver blocks the attempt and reverses into a Boston Crab. Price rolls out of it and goes for the cover, however, Oliver kicks out.

Both men exchange covers but kick out at every attempt. Oliver takes Price off his feet twice, before hitting a Facebuster into the knee, and follows it up with a Dropkick. He drapes Price over the top rope and delivers a knee to the back of Price's head. Oliver only scores a two count. Price now sizes up Oliver and delivers a Hood Star in the corner of the ring. He goes for another combination of moves and almost finishes off Oliver.


Oliver manages to hit a Spanish Fly, following it up with a Tombstone Piledriver, but Price kicks out of the pin attempt. Price hits a Destroyer DDT to counter Oliver's next offence. Oliver kicks out of the pin attempt again to his frustration. Oliver now finds some energy and manages to hit an Orange Crush to pick up the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver via pinfall

Drago Kid vs. ASF

ASF and Drago Kid start the match avoiding each other's moves showing off their agility and quickness. They end the sequence both kicking up at the same time. ASF takes Drago down with some standing arm drags. Drago is sent to the outside before ASF dives over the top rope to take him out. Back in the ring, ASF goes for a cover, but Drago kicks out at one. ASF counters Drago and hits a German Suplex, following it up with another pin attempt.

ASF is now on the top turnbuckle, Drago chops him before they once again avoid each other's moves. Drago Kid shows off his quickness and delivers Headscissors to ASF. Drago tosses ASF to the outside and follows it up with a Moonsault to the outside. On the outside, Drago sends ASF into a front-row chair and gives him a big chop before sending him back into the ring.

Back in the ring, both men go for a chopping war as ASF removes his top. They go back and forth before Drago hits a Tiger Faint as ASF lay on the middle rope. They then trade forearms in the middle of the ring. They go opposite corners and meet in the middle corner between them as they stand on the top turnbuckle, both landing on their feet following a Spanish Fly. They trade Superkicks, as Drago sends ASF out of the ring, before doing another springboard dive onto ASF.


Drago hits a devastating DDT on ASF in the ring, but ASF kicks out of the pin attempt. Drago finds himself on the top turnbuckle but ASF pushes him as he lands awkwardly. ASF then hits a Sit Down Powerbomb from the top before hitting a Butterfly Piledriver to pick up the win.

Winner: ASF via pinfall

Blake Christian vs. Ninja Mack

We get off to the races as Ninja Mack tries to toy with Blake Christian. Ninja Mack goes on the attack, but Blake Christian escapes. Ninja Mack continues to toy with him. Both men then go for a test of strength, before Ninja Mack connects with a Dropkick. Blake Christian then follows this up with his own, sending Mack to the outside. Out on the floor, Blake delivers a kick to the chest, as both men land on their feet as they attempt jumps from the apron. Going around ringside, Ninja Mack hits Blake with a chop. Blake counters this with a forearm sending Mack into a chair. Blake quickly hits the ring and dives through the middle rope onto Mack sitting on the chair.

Blake Christian sends Mack onto another chair and hits another chop. Blake then sets up for a huge dropkick that sends Mack flying out of his chair, backwards into rows behind him. Back in the ring, Blake goes for the cover. The fans are now chanting for both wrestlers. Mack hits some Ninja chops before he dives onto Black Christian on the outside. Back in the ring again, and Blake is on his back as Mack goes for a Phoenix 630, but Blake stops him in his tracks. Mack is now down in the ring, Blake goes for a dive from the top turnbuckle, but Mack rolls away and hits Blake with a kick to the chest.


Mack rolls up Blake with a small package but only scores a near fall. Blake then hits a standing splash in the middle of the ring, but he only manages a near fall. Both men are now on their knees in the middle of the ring trading forearms. Blake gets the upper hand and eventually hits a huge knee strike to Ninja Mack's head. Mack replies with one of his own. Blake and Ninja Mack trade kicks. Blake falls on Mack as the referee counts for the pin but Ninja Mack kicks out. Blake blocks Mack's punches, but he gets caught in a Wheelbarrow Suplex. Mack goes to the top and misses, as Blake smashes his head with a knee strike. Blake then plants Mack's head into the canvas for the win.

Winner: Blake Christian via pinfall

Orin Veidt vs. Cole Radrick in a Deathmatch

The match starts with both wrestlers taking it to the mat. Veidt locks Radrick for a submission move. Veidt then smashes Radrick with a light tube when he had his back turned, before using the broken tube on his forehead. Cole Radrick finds his own light tube, shattering it on Veidt's head, and even manages to score a pin attempt. On the outside, Veidt and Radrick trade blows with weapons, with a small ladder introduced. Radrick's head is bleeding profusely now, as he hurls his body towards Veidt, who is sitting in a chair with light tubes resting on him.


Cole Radrick sets up another chair. He sets up a door and barbed-wire board on top of it. Radrick then slices Veidt's head into the barbed wire. Cole Radrick is on the apron. He attempts a dive, but Veidt moves out of the way, and he lands on the barbed wire. His back is now pierced in multiple places. Back in the ring, Vedit sets up a ladder in the corner and he kicks Radrick in the opposite corner. He then hits a Back Body Drop on Cole Radrick who crashes into the ladder.

Vedit is punishing Cole Radrick now. He sits Cole Radrick in a chair, however, Cole moves out of the way. He then risks it all by placing light tubes on Veidt, following it up with Moonsault as he lands stomach first onto Veidt and the tubes. Cole Radrick brings an even bigger ladder into the ring now. The ladder hits one of the chandeliers hanging above the ring. Veidt hits Cole Radrick with a tube, as he takes too long. Cole has now fired up again as he hits a Cutter on Cole and scores a near fall.

Veidt brings a weed whacker into the ring to use. Cole uses it and sets Veidt up on a door set up on two chairs below the huge ladder. Radrick then hits a Swanton Bomb. To the shock of Radrick, Veidt kicks out of the pin attempt. Cole Radrick grabs a barbed wire board and sets it up in the corner. Veidt is now back up as he sends Cole into the barbed wire back first, but Radrick kicks out of Veidt's cover. Veidt walks the top rope and hits a splash, but Cole Radrick kicks out of the pin attempt again. Cole Radrick sets up some chairs tangled together, but Veidt dumps Radrick onto them. Again, he only scores a two count as the fans cheers loudly for the kick out.


Veidt smashes multiple light tubes onto Cole Radrick. The fans are firmly behind Radrick. Cole then snaps a tube into the mouth of Veidt, before slicing open his own chest with the broken glass. Veidt manages to take control again and smashes Cole Radrick through some tubes in the corner. Veidt goes for the cover, however, Radrick stuns Veidt by getting his shoulders down for the win.

Winner: Cole Radrick via pinfall

- We now have a 15-minute break here at GCW Don't Tell Me What To Do 2022.

Jimmy Lloyd vs. Bryan Keith vs. Colby Corino vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Billie Starkz in a Scramble Match

Colby Corino immediately boots Billie in the face before she even finishes her entrance. Jack Cartwheel chops Mathers in the corner before he hits a Handspring Elbow. On the outside, Corino throws Billie into some chairs at ringside. Marcus Mathers then dives over the top rope. Jack Cartwheel then cartwheels from the top turnbuckle onto opponents on the outside. Cartwheel and Billie are in the ring before Marcus Mathers breaks up her pin attempt. Corino then pushes her into Mathers before he delivers a Backbreaker.

Mathers then hoists Corino up and lands a Sit Down Powerbomb. Bryan Keith is now in the ring with Mathers. Keith manages to hit a Tombstone Piledriver in the middle of the ring but Jimmy Lloyd breaks it up. Lloyd then hits a Tiger Driver on Keith, as Colby Corino breaks up the pin attempt. Cartwheel plants a Destroyer on Lloyd, as Corino looks to go to the top rope. Keith meets him up there and hits a Superplex. Billie is now climbing to the top turnbuckle with Mathers and plants her with a Spanish Fly. Cartwheel goes for a Shooting Star from the top and misses before Jimmy Lloyd hits a Package Piledriver.


Mathers nails a 450 Splash. Corino turns a Tiger Driver into the backbreaker. Billie then Suplexes Corino. Bryan Keith and Cartwheel now got at it. Cartwheel hits a rolling Death Valley Driver. He then dives over the top rope to take some wrestlers out before he goes to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press onto Bryan Keith, then pinning him for the win.

Winner: Jack Cartwheel via pinfall

Joey Janela & Marko Stunt vs. The Second Gear Crew (AJ Gray & Matthew Justice)

The match begins as Joey Janela takes The Second Gear Crew out on the outside, as Marko follows him by jumping from the apron. The bell rings as the fight is taking place on the outside. Janela uses a fan in a wheelchair as a weapon. Janela had a wristlock locked in on AJ Gray before Justice enters to break it up. Janela now brings over a trash can and punts it onto the head of Justice. Justice then hits it in the head of Janela. He then throws it towards him again. AJ Gray then uses the same trash can and hits it on Stunt. They then go to the other side of the venue as Justice suggests they go to get away from the expensive production equipment.

Justice chops Marko Stunt on the merch table. Janela sets up a door behind the merch table resting on two chairs. Janela runs from the opposite side of the arena towards The Second Gear Crew, but Janela goes through the door as they move out of the way. Marko is then put through the merch table. AJ Gray then pours some hot sauce into Marko Stunt's mouth. Back towards the ring, AJ Gray throws several chairs into the ring. He also pulls out a wooden door. More wooden doors and boards are sent into the ring.


Marko Stunt picks up a chair, but AJ Gray punches it into Marko's face. Justice pulls out more doors from underneath the ring and sends them into the ring. AJ and Justice set one door up in the corner of the ring. They set up two chairs with a door on top. Marko is back in the ring, but Justice takes him down. Justice lifts Marko up, but Marko lands and hits a kick to Justice and AJ Gray. Marko goes to the top turnbuckle but Justice shoves him off as he crashes to the floor. Janela appears and hits a Legdrop from the top rope onto AJ Gray below through the door. Justice then spears Janela through the door in the corner. Marko then hits AJ with the chair. They are now on the apron as Marko sends him through the door on the outside.

Janela and Matthew Justice trade blows in the ring. Janela hits a rolling elbow. Justice knocks him down and picks up a chair. He sets the chair up and sits Janela down on it. Justice goes to the top turnbuckle, but Janela gets up as he throws a chair into the head of Justice. Janela then drives him through the door in the ring from the top turnbuckle. AJ Gray returns to the ring and launches a chair at Janela. They set up multiple doors and chairs in the middle of the ring between two chairs. Janela is placed on top, with a door put on top of him. AJ goes to the top turnbuckle with Marko Stunt. Marko is then Powerbombed down onto Janela. Justice then hits a splash onto Janela, but Janela kicks out. Justice hits a Coast To Coast on Janela. AJ and Justice then hit the Doomsday on Marko Stunt to pick up the win.


Winners: The Second Gear Crew via pinfall

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Gringo Loco

Both men shake hands before the match. Gringo goes for the Wristlock early as Scorpio reverses it. Scorpio takes Gringo down with arm drag as they restart. They lock up again. They reverse each other's Waistlocks but neither man can get the better of one another. Scorpio now goes for the Headlock. Scorpion eventually delivers a huge kick that sends Gringo to the outside. They feel each other now for the Knucklelock. Gringo then shows off some of his agility and hits a Handspring takedown to Scorpio which sends him out of the ring.

Back in the ring, Scorpio kicks Gringo to the midsection. Both men then avoid each other's offence. Scorpio slaps Gringo after they went face-to-face. Scorpio is showing some aggression now. Scorpio locks a Chinlock in on Gringo in the middle of the ring, following it up by stretching his left arm. Scorpio hits the ropes, but Gringo catches him with Dropkick. Gringo hits the ropes, but Scorpio catches him with a Lariat. Scorpio placed Gringo on the top turnbuckle, but Gringo manages to hit a spinning DDT.

Next, Gringo knocks Scorpion off the top turnbuckle and hits a Springboard move. Gringo then delivers a Cutter, leaping off the second rope, but Scorpio kicks out of the pin attempt. Gringo had control, but Scorpio hits Gringo with his heels in the corner. He plants Gringo to the mat as 2 Cold Scorpio hits a Moonsault from the top rope, double stomping Gringo as he landed, to pick up the win.


Winner: 2 Cold Scorpio via pinfall

The H8 Club (Matt Tremont & Nick Gage) (c) w/ Dewey Donovan vs. The Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch & Reed Bentley) for the GCW Tag Team Championship in a Deathmatch

This is Tremont & Gage's first title defence. Murdoch and Gage start the match as they trade punches and forearms. Gage ultimately DDT's him to the canvas. Gage went to hit the ropes, but Bentley smashed a tube in the back of Nick Gage. Tremont and Bentley are now in the ring. They trade forearm shots before Bentley takes Tremont down before Tremont gets back up and hits Bentley with a light tube. Murdoch brings a pane of glass into the ring. Gage spears Murdoch through the pane of glass set up in the corner of the ring. Gage then smashes a bundle of tubes over the head of John Wayne Murdoch. Gage slams him to the mat, but Murdoch kicks out of the pin attempt.

Bentley is sent over the top rope by Tremont. Gage then smashes multiple bundles of light tubes over the head of Murdoch in the middle of the ring. Gage jabs a broken end of the tube into the head of Murdoch. Donovan hands Gage a pizza cutter and he slices it on Murdoch's forehead. On the outside, Bentley launches chairs at Tremont. In the ring, Gage once again uses the pizza cutter on the forehead of Murdoch. Bentley hits a splash on the outside to Tremont. Gage sets up some chairs in the ring. They are now both seated as they begin to trade forearm shots. Tremont is still taking a beating from Bentley on the outside.


Bentley now helps Murdoch in the ring as they smash Gage against the steel chair. Murdoch now has a broken light tube and uses it on Gage's forehead. Bentley smashes tubes on the legs of Gage. Murdoch now delivers multiple strikes to Nick Gage as Bentley holds him down on the mat. Murdoch then swings a tube just like a baseball bat to the back of Gage. Tremont is now back in the ring as Murdoch and Bentley begin to work on him. A pane of glass is brought into the ring. The glass is placed in front of Gage down in the corner of the ring. Both Murdoch and Bentley deliver a Dropkick at the same time into Gage as the glass shatters.

Murdoch sticks his boot into the head of Nick Gage. Murdoch and Bentley are firmly in control as Tremont and Gage struggle to get to their feet. Gage and Tremont eventually find a burst of energy and deliver Spinebusters at the same time. Gage then stomps a tube into the face of Murdoch in the corner. Gage sets up some chairs with a pane of glass set up in between. Gage takes Murdoch up to the top turnbuckle and hits a Piledriver through the glass. Bentley returns and throws a chair at the head of Gage. Tremont returns and hits Bentley onto the top of a barbed wire board that was brought into the ring. Tremont then pours thumbtacks over Bentley. Tremont then heads to the top turnbuckle and delivers a big splash to win.


Winners: And still GCW Tag Team Champions, The H8 Club via pinfall

- Nick Gage gets on the microphone after the match. Gage wants to talk about the H8 Club and the history of the H8 Club. He says he can't stop smiling and loves everyone in attendance. Gage says when his brothers passed away he thought the H8 Club was dead. Gage says there was only one could that could fill the spot and that was Matt Tremont. Gage then gets the crowd to chant for Tremont. Gage says he had a conversation with Tremont to bring back the H8 Club, and they're tag team champs. Gage says they're going to represent his gang and run through the tag team division in GCW.

- That's a wrap for GCW Don't Tell Me What To Do 2022!


