Corey Graves On When Would Have Been Ideal For Live Sex Celebration With Carmella
WWE commentator Corey Graves recently spoke with Wrestling Inc's Managing Editor Nick Hausman at WWE's WrestleMania 38 media row about a possible live sex celebration. It is something that he has talked about in the past. However, he believes the Raw after WrestleMania tonight could have been a good spot, if Carmella had won last night.
"I mean, the Raw after WrestleMania ordinally is Bizzaro world. Anything can happen," he said. "Fans from around the globe, I feel like if we are going to push the bar, that's the night to do it."
This is obviously something that has been done before by Edge and Lita. It is one of WWE's most infamous segments, and Corey Graves revealed he has asked Edge for some advice on the situation.
"I asked him if he had any notes. As far as camera angles goes or different ways to light the situation. I mean, he's a Hall Of Famer for a reason. I'd be absolutely remised to not consult the Rated-R Superstar," he said. "But I like to leave room for a little creative freedom of our own, I don't want to just copy it, I want to take it to the next level."
Recently fans have been able to learn more about Corey Graves' life outside of the ring via his reality show with Carmella. He admitted that the reaction from fans has been surprisingly positive overall.
"It was actually shockingly positive," he admitted. "I was's the internet wrestling community, right? They hate everything. And we got our share of disdainful comments, and people saying no one wants to see it. Which makes me laugh, because people love to reply, 'no one cares, no one cares, no one cares.' But you're taking time out of your day to send the tweet. It kind of pokes a hole in your story. But regardless, the overall feedback has actually been a lot of fun."
You can watch Graves' full interview with Wrestling Inc. below: