AEW Rampage Results (5/20): Danielson, Moxley, House Of Black

Welcome to our live AEW Rampage viewing party. The matches on today's episode were recorded Wednesday night at the Fertitta Center in Houston, Texas. (**SPOILERS**, if you're interested)

Four matches are being promoted for today's show:

  • Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Quarterfinal: Kris Statlander vs. Red Velvet
  • Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley vs. Dante Martin & Matt Sydal
  • House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Fuego Del Sol, Evil Uno & 10
  • Shawn Spears vs. "A Giant"

REMINDER! There is an EARLY start time for today's show: 7 PM ET. Our live coverage will begin at the same time.

Please share coverage of today's Viewing Party on social media and chime in with your thoughts in the comments section below.

We're underway! Excalibur, Taz and Chris Jericho are on commentary

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. Fuego Del Sol, Evil Uno & 10

King and Uno start out and Uno's chop is immediately shrugged off by King. Uno manages a head-scissor takedown but King overpowers him on a shoulder tackle attempt and brings him to his corner. Black tags in.

Black pelts Uno with strikes but Uno retaliates with a shoulder tackle and tags in 10. 10 hits Black with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He sends Black into his corner but Black fights out of it and locks on a heel hook. 10 manages to escape and hits some chops on Black. Fuego tags in.

Black immediately overpowers Fuego and tags in Matthews, who hits a double stomp from the top rope onto the back of Fuego's head. Matthews delivers Penta's arm breaker and even adds the "Cero Miedo" taunt. Matthews tries to stomp on Fuego's arm but Fuego escapes and tags in Uno.

Uno runs into a boot from Matthews. King tags in and hits a senton and then King and Matthews both land kicks on Uno. King lifts Uno onto his shoulders but Uno escapes and tags in Fuego. King knocks Fuego off the ring apron to the floor as we go to the picture-in-picture break.

Back from the break, Fuego hits a Spanish Fly on Matthews. Fuego tags in 10. Matthews tags in Black. 10 runs wild on Matthews and Black. King sneaks in with a waist lock but 10 escapes and clotheslines King to the floor. 10 ducks Black's spinning kick and he and Uno hit a double team for a 2-count.

10 tries for a full nelson on Black but Black escapes and hits a rising knee strike. Black takes down 10 with a kneebar. Uno slingshots in to break it up. 10 hits a discuss lariat on Black but can't follow up. 10 does manage to tag in Uno. King also tags in.

Uno hits a low dropkick on King. He follows up with a series of kicks to King's jaw. Uno sets up King but can't lift him and gets back body dropped. 10 and Fuego try to run but King quickly dispatches them both. King catches Uno with a big lariat and a Ganso Bomb for the pin.

House of Black defeated Evil Uno, 10 & Fuego Del Sol via pinfall

Death Triangle enters after the match and pose on the stage. Penta has a tombstone covered in a cloth. Penta reveals the tombstone says House of Black and "Double or Nothing".

Backstage, Lexy Nair is with the Gunn Club and Max Caster. She tosses to a clip from Dark: Elevation where Anthony Bowens was injured. Billy says he hopes Bowens gets well soon so they can have a big "scissor party".

Back from the break, Tony Schiavone is backstage with FTR. They agree to defend the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles against Roppongi Vice on Wednesday's "Dynamite".

Shawn Spears vs. Big Damo

Big Damo is the mystery "giant" here to face Spears.

Damo hits a dive from the ring apron to take down Spears on the floor. Back in the ring Damo lands a running senton but misses a Vader Bomb. Spears hits a knee to Damo's jaw, hoists him up and hits the C4 for a surprisingly quick victory.

Shawn Spears defeated Big Damo via pinfall

Spears gets on the microphone after the match and says he's Wardlow's kryptonite. Those two meet inside a steel cage with MJF as the special guest referee on Wednesday's "Dynamite".

Backstage with the Undisputed Elite. Adam Cole is feeling like he versus Kyle O'Reilly in the final of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament is a pretty safe bet.

The Young Bucks follow up by challenging The Hardys to a match at "Double or Nothing".

Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament Quarterfinal: Red Velvet (w/TBS Champion Jade Cargill & Kiera Hogan) vs. Kris Statlander

Ruby Soho is a guest on commentary for this match. She gets the winner.

Statlander powers Velvet into the corner to start. Velvet climbs to the second rope but Statlander brings her out with a press slam. She even goes to one arm for a moment before dropping Velvet.

Velvet goes for a head-scissor but Statlander overpowers her again. Velvet goes to the floor. Statlander tries to follow with a baseball slide dropkick but Velvet pulls up the ring apron to catch Statlander and gets some shots in.

Red Velvet is Chris Jericho's Sports Entertainer of the Week.

Velvet goes for a cross body off the apron but Statlander catches her and tosses her back into the ring as we go to the picture-in-picture break.

Back from the break, Statlander hits a running boot and a German suplex. Velvet kicks out at 2. Statlander hoists up Velvet for a delayed vertical suplex but Velvet knees Statlander in the head to escape. Velvet hits the Final Slice but Statlander kicks out. Excalibur can't recall the last time that happened.

Velvet misses a punch and Statlander hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a 2-count. Velvet retreats to the ring apron and pulls Statlander's neck over the top rope. She hits a pair of running knees and plants Statlander face-first for a near fall.

Velvet tries for a spinning kick but STatlander blocks it and goes for the Big Bang Theory. Velvet reverses it into a rollup, but Statlander reverses the reversal and gets the pin.

Kris Statlander defeated Red Velvet via pinfall

Cargill and Hogan attack Statlander after the match. Soho runs down from commentary to try to help Statlander but it's not enough as Cargill and The Baddies take control. Anna Jay runs down to the ring to finally chase them off.

We get a video package of Tony Nese & Mark Sterling and Danhausen & Hook training.

Back to the ring, Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky and Dan Lambert are ready to speak. Sky wants Sammy Guevara to bring back his TNT Championship belt. We get a video from outside the arena with Guevara and Tay Conti. He wants a title match against Sky. Lambert declines so Guevara smashes the TNT Championship belt with a sledgehammer. Frankie Kazarian enters and he smashes the belt as well.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone is with Dr. Britt Baker and Toni Storm to chat about their upcoming semifinal match in the Owen Hart Tournament. Storm says there better be no funny business from Rebel or Jamie Hayter when they meet.

Back from the break, Mark Henry is chatting with the participants in tonight's main event. Dante Martin wants a signature win. Matt Sydal wants to prove violence isn't the only answer. Bryan Danielson says he loves peace, but he also loves violence in his pro wrestling. Jon Moxley says he and Danielson are teachers and the most important lesson is to abandon all hope when facing the Blackpool Combat Club.

Next Wednesday's "AEW Dynamite"

  • Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinal: Samoa Joe vs. Kyle O'Reilly
  • Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinal: Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker
  • Hangman Page & CM Punk will be face-to-face
  • Steel Cage Match: Shawn Spears vs. Wardlow with MJF as special guest referee
  • Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship Match: Roppongi Vice vs. FTR (c)
  • Jungle Boy vs. Swerve Strickland vs. Ricky Starks

Next Friday's "AEW Rampage":

  • Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinal: Statlander vs. Soho

We also have three new matches officially announced for "Double Or Nothing"

  • TBS Championship Match: Anna Jay vs. Jade Cargill (c)
  • Young Bucks vs. The Hardys
  • Death Triangle vs. House of Black

Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley vs. Dante Martin & Matt Sydal

Danielson starts off against Martin and beats upon him for a few moments before tagging in Moxley. He hits a running kick for a 1-count. Moxley follows up with a verticle suplex for a 2-count. Moxley tags in Danielson.

Danielson goes to work on Martin's leg and works into a surfboard. Danielson pounds on the back of Martin's neck and tags in Moxley.

Moxley lands some punches on Martin in the corner and leans on him with a knee to the face. Moxley misses a charge and Martin tags in Sydal.

Sydal hits a leaping spinning kick on Moxley. He hits a slicing reverse DDT and a standing twisting moonsault for a 2-count. Moxley catches Sydal and hangs him on the top rope. He sends Sydal to the outside and Danielson hits a knee from the ring apron as we go to the picture-in-picture break.

Back from the break, Martin is running wild. He hits a dive to the floor on both Danielson and Moxley. Back in the ring, he hits a cross body from the top rope on Danielson. Moxley breaks up the pinning attempt.

Moxley takes down Sydal on the floor with a rear-naked choke. In the ring, Danielson hits a double under hook suplex on Martin from the top rope. Danielson puts Martin in the Labell Lock. Martin fights his to way to the ropes to break the hold.

Danielson fires away with kicks to Martin's chest and tags in Moxley. Moxley hoists up Martin, but Sydal intercepts Danielson with a spinning kick. Sydal hits a Meteora onto Danielson on the ring apron. Martin hits the Nose Dive on Moxley but Danielson breaks up the pin attempt.

Martin tries to follow up but Moxley catches him off a springboard in a rear-naked choke. Martin rolls back into a pinning attempt to break the hold. Moxley catches Martin with a piledriver for a big near fall.

Moxley grabs Martin and rains down with elbow strikes and follows up with the Paradigm Shift for the pin.

Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley defeated Dante Martin & Matt Sydal via pinfall

A big brawl between the Jericho Appreciation Society and Danielson, Moxley, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz breaks out after the match.

That's our show!


